A night to remember! [FF][FM]

This one happened during my second year in university. I was sharing an apartment with a girl i started to go to university with and we shared quite a few classes as well. We were getting along great and quickly became friends. It didn’t take me long to figure out that she was a slut as well and in fact she was an even bigger slut than i was! I was 20 at the time, while she was 23 and she had quite a lot of experience.
She was also local to the city we were studying in, while i had to move there when i started to go to university.

With time we got more and more comfortable with sharing each others experiences and being more open about our slutty sides. With that, it also turned out that she was pretty dominant by nature she became somewhat of a mentoring figure to me. I think she enjoyed turning my sluttiness up a little bit. We never really had sex with each other, aside from me eating her out a few times and she fingering me a few times.

Sex for favors? [F]

Hey everyone, i had a question to all the sexy sluts in here (regardless of gender):

Have you ever exchanged sex (or sexual acts) for favors? If so, what did you do to get what?

As for me, i gave blowjobs a few times (i think like 12 times) to gain some favors. That includes “paying” a taxi driver, getting a friend of mine to help me with an essay in university, getting a ticket to a music festival. Those kind of situations haha.

The only time i really got fucked for a favor was to be taken on a business trip during an internship of mine.

Would love to hear your stories and honestly maybe some ideas on how to use my pussy to pay/gain some favors haha

How my slutty side was born F27 [MF]

**Summer Break**

It was the summer after i graduated from the equivalent of high school, i was 18 and that summer felt like a beginning of a new life for me. Like every person during that age, you can’t wait until you finally get out of school and you think that now the big freedom in your life begins.

I think that feeling of finally being “free” also lead to me having probably my first really slutty experience. Of course i have had sex before, but it was only with two boyfriends and up until then pretty innocent stuff.
I broke up with my boyfriend the previous winter and due to the stress for the exams and everything that surrounded that, i never really got close to finding anyone else.

That summer day i was staying over night with my best friend, after we went out to a party the evening before. We had a bunch to drink and were both hungover when we woke up. It was pretty hot that day and we both just wanted to cool off a little and wait until the hangover would fade. Unfortunately she had to go out to an event with her soccer club and had to get ready quickly. She said she hoped that it wouldn’t take long and got dressed and left the house. We were best friends for years and i stayed at her place quite often, so this wasn’t an unusual situation at all.