My [F] Amsterdam Experience

It gets NSFW after the dots


Back in the good old days before Covid (2018) I (F) did a semester abroad in Europe. Specifically Vienna, Austria. A little background story: I was raised in a very conservative, Catholic family; Mass everyday, Rosary every Saturday, private Catholic highschool, etc. But, as it often happens in that kind of upbringing, I went wild in college. I still lived with my parent but I found ways to sneak out to drink, party and have fun. I have lots of crazy stories about that but the one I’ll be telling today is of the time I bought my first dildo.

As I said, I went to Europe for a semester. I was 19 at the time and it was the first time I lived completely by myself; no parents, siblings, cousins, grandma etc. to watch over me. I was free to do whatever I wanted. As flights are pretty cheap in Europe, I would travel once or twice a month for a weekend to a different country and I would stay in hostels so I didn’t spend so much money. For one of my trips I went to Amsterdam for a weekend. Beautiful city, delicious food, I really enjoyed my short time there and definitely recommend it. It is not a city for kids though, the Red District is very, very NSFW. You walk down the streets and there are prostitutes in every window (it’s legal there), sex shops in every corner and stores where you can buy all kinds of edibles, blunts, mushrooms and other drugs. I even saw two guys doing some coke in broad daylight.