[mfm] had a random from Whisper fuck my blindfolded wife.

Back story:

For a couple months my wife and I have been playing out a thing. I text her as I’m leaving work and tell her to unlock the door, strip naked, put on a blindfold and get on her hands and knees on the edge of the bed.

Then I try and make it as believably not me as possible. I don’t say anything and I slide into her without touching at all first. I’ve also worn a condom.


Went in this app Whisper that other people on here have talked about and found a dude. No name, just some body pics. Explained the deal, he said he was down.

Super hard all day obviously, and right down to the meeting time I wasn’t sure if he was ghosting or not. He asks a couple weird questions just as I was leaving work and then was 10 minutes late. Showed up though!

He was super nervous. Didn’t talk at all, already super flushed. Tried to hit him with some World Cup chat as a distraction but he doesn’t follow sports… oh well.

[M]e and three [f]emales. How did that just happen?!

Last night.

Me, my wife, and two of her friends.

How does this stuff even happen to a guy?

Don’t want to get into details because the friends may or may not be married to other people. But it was amazing.

Just needed to share my happiness with somebody.