Teased on the train [MF]

Earlier today I took a long train journey home. It was a quieter than my usual commute.

Midway through this sexy chick sat at a table diagonal to me. We made eye contact once which was fine. But then it happened again and again until it was clear this was some sort of eyefuck situation.

For the next 20 minutes she teased me a lot! It was so intense that I could feel a knot of excitement in my stomach. We winked at each other when she got off at another stop. Wow! I didn’t think women really done this!

GFs sister finally stopped playing games and said it outright [MF]

My GFs sister [F23] has been teasing me [M26] for some time now. I used to think she was doing it unknowingly but I eventually realised and accepted that it must be deliberate. Some of her actions have been crazy yet I still always had that element of doubt.

The teasing incidents are always so random but happen almost everytime I’m in the same room as her. Just earlier this week we were alone for only a few minutes and in that time she told me a story and impersonated someone in it. This involved her spanking herself 3 times and then facing a wall with her hands on it, arching her back and moving her ass around right infront of me while looking back at me. It was like something from a strip club. This wasn’t even the most intense incident there has been!

I’ve thought about her a lot lately and in my opinion there is nothing wrong with fantasy. I really enjoyed her teasing even if it was frustrating.

HOWEVER the situation has now been confirmed as deliberate. My mind is racing rn because she came by my house a few hours ago claiming she needed to talk. Things crossed my mind but not as a real possibility.

[MF] SIL is constantly teasing me [23/26]

For years I have debated whether or not my 23yo SIL has been teasing me deliberately or unknowingly. Some of the things she does have been crazy.

Yesterday we were alone for about 3 minutes and in that time she decided to tell me a story and impersonate someone in it. This involved firstly spanking herself 3 times and then facing a wall with her hands on it, arching her back and moving her ass around right infront of me. This wouldn’t have looked out of place in a strip club.

The incidents are always so random but this was nothing compared to others tbh. It seems so obviously deliberate now but there is always that small piece of doubt. What if it isn’t… Even if it is why is she doing it… Etc.

I don’t think I would ever react but sometimes I really want to.

SIL never misses a chance to tease [MF]

For a few years now, I have debated whether or not my SIL has been teasing me deliberately or unknowingly. For so long, I told myself she could not possibly be doing it on purpose, but I could never back that up.

One day I stopped telling myself that and seen it for what it was. I am 99% sure she is teasing me deliberately. Some of the things she has done over the years have been crazy. She even done things today that made me think, she must love showing herself off to me.

Examples are: Asking me what type of porn I watch. Without trying I somehow get a glimpse of her groin and panties every time I see her. Making sure I get full views of her ass when she wears yoga pants while she throws herself around the room full of energy. Once she helped me decorate and when I was talking to her on my way into the room, she was painting down low with her skirt hiked up over her ass – my jaw hit the floor and she said sorry her ass was showing but done nothing about it!

A flight to remember [MF]

Had a really interesting and frankly jaw dropping experience a few days ago. It was a situation that probably will never happen again. Everything was right place, right time.

Was going through the necessary motions to get a cross country flight and while moving through each stage, kept catching the gaze of this stunning blonde woman. Very attractive and guessing she was mid 30s. It didn’t take long to notice how fit she was. White crop top and coloured yoga pants.

She was with what I assumed was her husband but I noticed the repeated eye contact from her was always hidden from his line of sight. This got more and more intense as time went by, to the point I could feel a knot in my stomach when we locked eyes.

Fast forward and not only is she getting on my plane, but she is in my row with only an empty seat between us. We had casual conversation while everyone moved around and got comfortable before take off. This is where it was confirmed the dude was her husband – he was on the same row but opposite side.