My Aunt (My Uncle’s Wife, the second occurrence)[MF]

This link will direct you to the first occurrence with Nora:

My Uncle’s Wife [MF] from gonewildstories

The next time I met Nora – the wife of my uncle – was at a Chinese restaurant. We were there to celebrate my grandmother’s birthday. I drove to the restaurant (located in a hotel) at around noon as we were having yum cha for lunch, or brunch in my case. Similarly, to Christmas day, most of my relatives were there as well, except Nora’s husband, and my cousin Matthew – her son. My uncle was out of the country, and my cousin went to university in another city.

Nora sat alone among other relatives she didn’t really know, or talked to. I decided to sit next to her, and provide Nora some company. I wasn’t really close to any of my other cousins, and except for Matthew, I didn’t really talk to any of my relatives often.

“Hey Nora,” I said, noticing that she had heavier make-up on today.

“James,” she gasped, “how’s everything going?”

“It’s been stressful; I’ve done countless of all-nighters this semester,” I said, rubbing my eyes due to the lack of sleep. In architecture school, this was inevitable.

My Uncle’s Wife [MF]

It was December 25, 2015 – Christmas day.
On Christmas, we often when to my uncle’s house; he is a business magnate, and lives in a grand house. Our family was large in size, and for most of my life, we had always celebrated Christmas from noon to around 9 p.m. at his household. Unfortunately, most our relatives this year had to work on this day, so we decided we would only gather for Christmas dinner at my uncle’s place. Being in university, and working at a part-time job, I didn’t have time to think about what presents I was going to get for the kids that still liked unwrapping Christmas gifts.

At around 4:30 p.m. after I had finished my last exam of second year in university, I went to the mall near my school, and bought a few presents for tonight. When I finished, and headed for the train station, I saw my uncle’s wife — Nora; she wore a tight, fitted, white sleeveless turtle neck, and white jeans. She was in her early 40s, and had shoulder length hair that was curled and dyed red. Her facial features weren’t the most beautiful I’ve seen, but she had a certain demeanor, and carried herself confidently – she was undeniably the most I had been attracted to an older woman, or most girls for that matter. Her voluptuous figure caught the eyes of every man that would pass her, and they were not to blame; she had C or D cup breasts, at least, and the way her behind moves, there was no way you could miss her. She was a milf.