That time I got face fucked in a bar’s bathroom [MF]

Hello! I haven’t really talked about this kind of stuff before (let alone to internet strangers) so sorry if my prose is bad or the story is boring. A friend recommended this sub so I’ve made a second account to post this story on (if you like this story, I’ll probably be posting more in time to come) but that’s enough jibber jabber let’s get onto the story!

A while back I was going on holiday to the USA with a couple of friends. All of us are from the Blighty so we were really excited to try out all these new fast food places that we’d never tried before: Jack in the box, Wendy’s, 5 Guys and (most importantly) Taco Bell. One night we went to a Taco Bell to eat but I had already had a big breakfast and had heard jokes about Taco Bell giving people stomach problems so I skipped out. The next day I was glad I had not eaten there as all of my friends could barley leave their hotel beds (food poisoning I think). I decided to go out by myself that night to a near by bar and drink some Yanks under the table.