A Simple Arrangement [40s M/ 20s F][Oral][Risky Sex][Creampies]

Tom was nervous, and had been for the last six hours. That morning he had been in his own bed, and now he was taking a taxi from the airport into an unfamiliar city. He was always nervous when he took these trips; he knew people might judge him for it if they knew what he was up to.

This wasn’t the kind of trip a man pushing 40 should be doing, and the woman he was about to meet was hardly the sort of company he should be looking for. But primal urges do silly things to people, and as he saw his dark brown hair start to turn gray and his tall lean body begin to soften, he decided to make a change.

He started taking chances.

He started thinking about living in the moment.

Which brought Tom to that hotel bar, sipping at a glass of bourbon while he kept his eyes peeled for the woman. They’d only spoken for a few hours online, but each of them had made clear what they expected.