Sex On The Clock [MF]

I can’t remember if it was Wall Street Journal or Forbes but there was an article recently about what people working from home get up to and the statistics read that forty one percent of respondents were having sex on the clock. My initial reaction was “Amateurs” since I know I’ve done it on the clock without having to work from home but then all I could think of was the one time (which is part of a story I’ve told elsewhere and I won’t be retelling here for anonymity’s sake). I racked my brain trying to think of any other time I boned on the clock and I suddenly remembered the time I got down with my assistant manager.

Now, just a heads up, this wasn’t an ongoing thing in the supply closet like you see on TV. Also, I’ll be changing a number of details to protect anonymity and, since I had actually forgotten about this and it happened eight or nine years ago, the dialogue is not accurate; I remember scraps and I’ll use those to get us from point A to point B. So if it reads like it’s made up, it kind of is.

The first time I (30M) had sex with two women on the same night. [mf] [mf] [long-ish] [not hot] [some hahas] [some not so hahas] [some scumbag behavior]

>My old assistant manager recently got a hold of me to talk about old times and I’ve had some writer’s block lately, so I figure this’ll be a good exercise.

This is probably going to be pretty vanilla compared to a lot of GWS. I mean, hey, yeah, I fucked two women on the same night, just not at the same time. I don’t think I’m ever going to get to fuck two women at the same time but my current partner breaks my dick off, so…

This happened, Christ, eight years ago. Names, places, most anything that could identify anybody has been changed.

I ran a hotel in the midwest for about five years. You could tell the place used to be upscale but now it was a dump. The owners possessed all the design sensibilities of Eastern Bloc architects. They dreamed of flat concrete grounds and blank white walls. Over the five years I worked for them they slowly managed to rip every tree out of the ground and also ripped out the retaining wall around the perimeter so whenever it rained, the sidewalks were covered in mud. If it rained in winter, the sidewalks were covered in ice. Everything was a hazard. God, I shake my head remembering those dumb cheap fucks.

[MF] My Ex Was In Town Last Weekend and I’m Still Processing It [LONG] [Cheating]

Names of people and places changed to protect anonymity.

I hadn’t seen Rainy in maybe two and a half years, not since she left town after we broke up, talked about getting back together, and it fell apart again. We had only within the last few months started talking again with any regularity via text. I had recently scrapped FB and Messenger from my phone and she literally asked (in text) how we were supposed to talk and I said, “Uh, in this app?”

Over the ensuing conversations, she said she was going to be coming back for a few days in September and asked if we could get together for a coffee. I agreed. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it. I was still with Cherie.

But then September came and Cherie and I split. Now, Rainy showing up meant something different. I let it go, though. I know how Rainy is. She’s not into one-night stands and she’s seeing somebody; she’s not into cheating.