I helped to convince a client to accept my husband’s offer [MF]

Back when I was married, my husband once took me on a work trip with him. He was meeting a potential overseas client, trying to get him to give my husband’s company his money. From what my husband told me, everything was almost in place, he just needed a final push to convince the client him. The company set the client up in a really fancy hotel and we got rooms there too. My husband was planning to take a few days off after the negotiating was done.

On the first day there, we had dinner with the client at the hotel’s restaurant. And because my husband was so sure that the client would agree, he took me shopping and chose out an outfit for me so that we could properly celebrate afterwards. He got me this sexy green evening gown. Thin straps, a slit down the side with a plunging neckline; so low cut that I could not wear a bra, but I wore panties underneath. Stockings and heels completed the look.

Another Road Trip [MFM]

Shortly after I finished college, a bunch of us went on a trip to celebrate. It was around 30 of us in total. On the return journey, we divided up based on where we were going, and I was in a car with four guys. I didn’t know the guys very well, they were friends of friends, but we got along nicely. The initial plan was to split the cost of gas and food among us, but when the time came to make any payment, they wouldn’t let me contribute.

We dropped off two of the guys, and I was left with Lee and Alan. For that night, we stopped at a motel (again, they refused to let me pay for a room). We got some booze and spent the time drinking and chatting. After a few drinks, a deck of cards came out. As it usually happens when drinking and cards are involved, we started playing strip poker.

I am bad a poker, and very soon, the two of them were down to their underwear because it turned out I was playing against the only two people who were worse than I was at poker. I hadn’t lost a hand. On the last hand, I told them if they lost, I would let them keep their underwear if they agreed to let me pay my share. They agreed. Luck was with me, and I won.

How I Met My First Really Big Cock [MF]

Years ago, when I was in college, I went out for the night with friends. We went to a few bars, met a group of guys and ended up at a party. We all had a good time, but one of the guys (let’s call him James) left a little earlier as he had class the next day. I ended up chatting with his dormmate (Frank), and finally, he took me to his dorm.

When we got there, the room was dark, but through the light of the streetlamp coming in through the window, I could see the sleeping form of James in his bed, lying on his side with his back to us. I thought Frank would tell him to skedaddle out of there, but Frank told me not to worry and that James was lightweight and was probably passed out from the drinking earlier. That was fine enough for me, and I ended up sitting on his lap, topless, while Frank, to put it frankly, went to town on my boobs. I always enjoy that, though in those days, most guys my age, despite loving big boobs, paid very little attention to them. But Frank did; he spent an age with his mouth on them, kissing, nibbling, biting and pinching my nipples with his fingers. And I enjoyed myself on his lap, moaning and encouraging him.

I am almost 40 and my latest FWB turned 19 while I was riding him [MF]

Jake, as we are going to be calling him, is a cashier at a store near my home. We would always chat when I go shopping, sometimes the chat wandered into flirting. He’s always very polite and gregarious – he could easily charm anyone and always had all the ladies in his line. I know he did my ego wonders by always carding me when I bought alcohol.

A few days ago, I went into town to meet one of my FWBs as he was going away for a few weeks. As a goodbye present, I wore just heels and a short cocktail dress. We had a nice dinner and then I had an even nicer dessert at his apartment. I made sure that the focus was on him, so while I did have fun, I concentrated on his pleasure more than mine. So when I left I was not completely satiated. But I had toys waiting at home for me and I was planning to make good use of them when I got there.

Two guys accidently thought I was a prostitute, turns out I was one [MFM]

About 18 or 19 years ago I went to a party with my then-boyfriend. It was a semi-formal event, and I was dressed in a little black dress and heels. My boyfriend got really drunk and started to act like an asshole, and we got into a huge fight in the parking lot. The fight culminated in him getting in the car and driving off, leaving me standing there.

I did not fancy taking a cab back to my apartment as he would turn up at 3 AM to apologise as he usually did when we had a fight. And the worst of it was that if he did turn up, we would not be having makeup sex. Instead, at the most, I would suck him off, and he would sleep. So instead, I walked a little way down the street to a bar inside one of the local hotels. It was around 11 PM, and the bar was pretty empty. I took a seat at one end of the bar and ordered myself strong a drink.

My failed gangbang [Group]

All four of my FWBs were with me during the last winter break. Since it was pre-planned, I took time off from work so that I could be home and be fucked to my heart’s content. And it started out like that; the first few days, we fucked all day. I had a cock in me, mouth, pussy or ass, almost none stop. When I didn’t have a cock in me, it was because they were taking a break to recover, and I had some toys in me.

Then came a little extended break; they took one whole day to rest. I was deprived of cock. No amount of begging changed their mind. They didn’t even let me cum. I was a little miffed, to say the least.

The next day, they told me we all would be spending a few days at a hotel. Which made no sense to me as my house was a perfect place to fuck(and we had been demonstrating just that), and I had no idea why we needed a hotel room. But they insisted, and since I wanted nothing more than to take their cocks again, I didn’t argue much.

I ordered room service and I got some good service [MF] & [FMF]

I had previously shared stories of when I was in college and had a sugar daddy. From time to time, he would ‘lend’ me out to friends of his; sometimes he would come along or other times it would be just me and his friend or friends. One friend who joined us frequently was a lady named Anne. She was the same age as my sugar daddy – mid-40s – and her job brought her often into town, and we would almost always play with her.

One summer, my sugar daddy called me and said he was sending me to Boston because Anne was finishing up some international fair and then taking a little break. She invited him and me over so she could relax and have some fun. But since he was busy with work, he sent me ahead and would join us later.

Anne worked in the hospitality industry. Though work is an understatement – she either owned a couple of hotels or was on the board of a company that owned hotels, I don’t remember exactly. I flew by plane and was chauffeured to a hotel she owned and went up to a five-star suite. That Anne had planned for an exciting time was evident – there was a small suitcase of toys; everything from vibrators, dildos, strap-ons, restraints and everything that promised a good time. A small bowl on the bedside table was filled with condoms.

I went out with friends, then let a stranger fuck my ass [MF]

It’s been a while since I went out with friends. We finally made plans, the six of us, to have a good night out. But unfortunately, things did not go according to plan. One friend had to cancel due to a minor emergency. As three are parents, and with the responsibilities of parenthood, they were unable to stay late. At the end of the night, it was just me with one friend; since the two of us hang out quite frequently, there wasn’t much point in just the two of us staying late. After chatting for a while, she left; I decided to head to a bar nearby and have one last drink before calling an Uber.

There were some guys at the bar, and I ended up talking with one particular guy. Close to my age, kind of full of himself, and it looked like he spent a lot of time at the gym. A head taller than me and much wider. But he was nice and funny at times and good looking enough for me to have some fun with him. Anyways, we danced and had a good time. Dancing meant he was groping me, not that I minded, and it turned into making out. He eventually asked me if I wanted to leave, and I said yes.

My first spanking [MF]

Shortly after I started college, I hooked up with a slightly older guy (mid-20s – he celebrated his 26th or 27th birthday that year) who lived in the same building as I did. I met him when I moved in; he helped my roommate and me with the move, and we all hung out together from time to time. And a little later, he and I got to know each other much better. We dated, and he became one of my formative sexual experiences. He introduced me to a lot of new stuff, especially kinky stuff and finding out that there was more to sex than blowjobs and missionary or doggy was an excellent experience for me. Not only that, I had bad boyfriends during high school, and he helped me get over those experiences.

We started exploring kink very slowly; I started out with learning about safewords, then some D/s play, rough sex, and he gradually introduced new things to me. We would always talk about what was going to happen, and afterwards, we would discuss what I felt, what I got from the session, where we could improve, etc. It was good to talk like that; it gave us both the chance to let the other know if we were getting what we wanted. It’s something I have taken forward in all the relationships I have had since my time with him.

I Went out with friends, then let a stranger fuck my ass [MF]

It’s been a while since I went out with friends. We finally made plans, the six of us, to have a good night out. But unfortunately, things did not go according to plan. One friend had to cancel due to a minor emergency. As three are parents, and with the responsibilities of parenthood, they were unable to stay late. At the end of the night, it was just me with one friend; since the two of us hang out quite frequently, there wasn’t much point in just the two of us staying late. After chatting for a while, she left; I decided to head to a bar nearby and have one last drink before calling an Uber.

There were some guys at the bar, and I ended up talking with one particular guy. Close to my age, kind of full of himself, and it looked like he spent a lot of time at the gym. A head taller than me and much wider. But he was nice and funny at times and good looking enough for me to have some fun with him. Anyways, we danced and had a good time. Dancing meant he was groping me, not that I minded, and it turned into making out. He eventually asked me if I wanted to leave, and I said yes.