I 21[F] cheated on my boyfriend 21[M] of 5 years on NYE and got caught a week later

I just wanna start off by saying I regret how our relationship ended and he didn’t deserve this at all, both of us were completely loyal before this. I flashed a few guys at my job but my BF knew about and encouraged it cause he though it was funny

We started dating when we were 15 and lost our virginities to each other and I didn’t think everything could spiral out of control so quick but it did

A few days before New Year’s Eve my boyfriend actually tested positive for covid, so he couldn’t go to the party we were supposed to go to. I didn’t want to go without him, but he encourage me to go and just have fun with my friends. I already had a dress picked out, so I wore that it was a short tight green dress that showed a lot of my boobs.

This is a short video showing my dress from that night, I’m on the left

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I [F] started flashing people at work

Towards the end of last summer I started to work at a golf course near me as a beverage cart girl. I’m a very innocent girl, Ive seen one dick my entire life, my current boyfriend, so obviously he’s the only guy I’ve ever been with. I tend not to show off my body. I have a body that is difficult to hide but I did my best towards the end of last year to do so to avoid drunk guys being complete pervs towards me. This year I have no idea what got into me but I changed a lot.

The golf course I work at gives the beverage cart girls options on the uniform. We can wear a flannel shirt as a top or a white tank top, with either jeans, leggings, or a golf skirt. Last year I always went with a bigger flannel and jeans. This year I’ve been wearing the white tank top that is definitely a size or two small for me with no bra, paired with the short and tight golf skirt.