Moonlight Rainfall Chapter Two (MF, BDSM, Rough, Romance)

Note: This is intended as an audio story so there are indents made for
recording purposes and may not flow as well when read. Hopefully there
is something of value in here regardless. I would appreciate any
feedback on it. Part one is linked here.

Chapter Two

My heart raced as I walked into the room and scanned the area to attempt to learn what could be in store for me. My eyes darted left to right, yet nothing stood out as a threat. I carefully examined my surroundings, slowing my gaze, noting a pair of crimson candles either side of the dresser at the right of the room. They must have been recently lit as the wicks still held a vivid white as the flames froliced against the wall. The aged oak wardrobe stood tall at the side with the doors sealed; perhaps this was Pandora’s box which contained the implements of my desolation. 

Moonlight Rainfall Chapter One (MF, BDSM, Rough, Romance)

Note: This is intended as an audio story so there are indents made for recording purposes and may not flow as well when read. Hopefully there is something of value in here regardless. I would appreciate any feedback on it.

The sun began to set on the city, the air turning cool, and replacing the heat of the long summer day, a soft breeze flowed through its streets. As my feet met the pavement, I noticed more of the surrounding area; the scent of the bakery permeated the air and the rich combination of spices from local restaurants fused to heighten my senses.
Rain arrived shortly after, creating a light pitter patter with every advancing step, allowing the lights to dance on the floor in the reflection of the now lightly soaked pathway. My shirt slowly clung to my skin, starting at my shoulders and gently proceeded down my back as it encroached onto my body. I would soon be drenched if this continued, so I pushed forth, increasing my pace, with only one ambition for the evening.