[MFF] Do as my wife says and learn to be a good little fucktoy

I love my wife.

We’ve been together for seven years now, and married for four. She’s beautiful, amazing, sexy as fuck and cute as a button. She’s short, with a round butt, small, firm tits, upturned nose and pixie-cut blonde hair.

A pure darling. And she was a virgin when we met, which could have been a downside. But in her cute shy eagerness, we started exploring, trying new things.

One night, we set up a snapchat, posted the name online, and let people watch as she rode on my cock and moaned. I had never been harder, and she came so hard that her legs quivered.

*Other people were watching. Complete strangers.*

And it was good.

“What if they weren’t strangers?” She asked.

And that question hung in the air for a moment.

We started fantasizing about different friends of ours watching us. Would they jerk off to my wife’s moans? Would they grin and watch in the corner? Would they want to join in?

The fantasies rolled around. My college friends. Her coworkers. Her yoga class. Her yoga instructor. The intern in my office.

The intern.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

[MF] Put on a skirt and a top. Don’t wear panties. Meet me in the hotel lobby and do not speak until after I fuck you.

I sometimes wonder how scary I am to my play partners when they first meet me.

Oftentimes, it doesn’t sink in how big I am. Or that I’m real, and the things in my stories aren’t made up. My voice can catch them by surprise, a low, rumbly growl when I’m turned on and saying filthy things. And my eyes can have a bit of an intense glare to them.

This story starts off in the realm of failure. I was alone in my hotel room on a Friday night, having a few different messages of women that liked the idea of meeting up, but had “situations” crop up – a distant relative passed away, work had them traveling away from home, their car broke down. Familiar notes in a polite song that may have been true, or maybe it wasn’t. No matter the excuse, I thanked them for letting me know, and made promises to let them know the next time I was in town.

A soft lie and apology is always better than being ghosted. I’d prefer the honesty, but I fully understand that a lot of men aren’t really great at taking no for an answer.

[MF] Seducing and taming the brat that loved the color blue and the taste of cock

Blue. Of all things, it was a pretty shade of blue that caught my eye.

I have a “line,” if you will. Something that gets me more replies than any creative compliment ever has. If I find someone attractive, I offer to sketch them.

It helps that I’m an extremely fast and somewhat talented artist. So if they reply and ask for a sketch, I don’t lose a whole day working on it, and they get something sexier than a stick figure.

So if I’m looking to make a friend in a city I plan on visiting, I search through piles of profiles. The profile pictures grab my eye, but then I like to go deeper. Usually I look for women in their 20s and 30s, women who are not lesbians and women that are not purely Dommes. Other key perks are actively looking for play partners, or something interesting on the profile.

And on her profile, there were no pictures of her. Just a scenic view, with this brilliant shade of blue on some umbrellas. But I really liked the color, and felt this need to message her, complimenting it.

Paint me like one of your French Girls [mf]

“Paint me like one of your French Girls.”

I chuckled when I read this the first time.

I’m an artist. Over the lockdown, I started really, really focusing on improving my skill. The main thing I did to get better was to draw every day.

But being inspired to draw every day is not easy. You need to find a muse, or a concept that grabs your attention and holds it fast.

For me, it was butts.

I started sketching hot, attractive women in my area, and found out that by doing this, they were dying to talk to me. No, really.

This led to me starting the Booty Warm-up Sketch. Every day, I spent 10 minutes sketching a butt. Sometimes I’d add a little more detail over the 10-minute limit, but the goal was as much quality as possible in as little time. I got better, and I got faster. I learned to get the linework down fast, then the color, then the shading. I started to develop my style and messed around with complimentary colors and reverse contrast. Fun stuff. And a lot of butts.

Naturally, I decided I needed to use this skill to get laid.

[MF] Getting to work out years of frustration on a willing slut

It had been too long. Being safe and protecting my loved ones meant that it had been over a year since the last time I dipped into my darker desires. Over a year since I had someone tied up and begging for permission to cum.

So it was a pleasure to find Miss Z, recently broken up from a Dom-sub relationship, a fan of my artwork and eager to let me work my frustrations out on her.

We met up at the bar of my hotel, and I was honestly a little nervous. It has been well over a year since I’d fucked someone other than my wife. She admitted to being nervous too, with her bag full of toys and healthy amount of cleavage pushing up from her dress.

We grabbed drinks and chatted for a bit, sharing stories about different kinks we had gotten up to, what our limits were, what our safewords were. We discussed how my wife was a cuckquean and would be getting a full report when I got home, and how virgins are vastly overrated compared to fucking dirty little sluts.

[MFF] Getting some help to tied down a sassy little brat on a business trip

I really hate admitting to a brat that she’s right. But apparently I forgot to post this story about meeting up with her, for one of the most memorable struggles I’ve ever had. That’s what happens when nerds plan a scene and fuck.

I don’t know why the idea of the sexless nerd still exists. Because every now and then I find someone like Miss E (name changed for privacy), who wrote this on a profile about herself:

“The way I have decided to live my life is similar to the Harry Potter world. The wizarding world knows about the muggle world but only a few muggles know about the wizarding world. So Miss E is part of the wizarding world. If we meet in the muggle world, refer to me as E (I can explain it is a special nicknames for special friends) but don’t out me as a witch.”

I sent her a quick message – “I love the Muggle Clause. Which makes me have to ask – which house?”

Now, she knew on her profile there were some amazing pics of her tits and dick-sucking lips, along with a fun list of kinks that she likes to do. Instead I opened with Hogwarts. Connecting with someone mentally first leads to a lot more fun later.

[FM] The Artist fucks his Muse

During October, I decided I needed to push myself as an artist. I started by doing one of those sketch-a-day challenges, but quickly lost interest. I was still sketching each day, but instead of a ring or fear or some other concept, I found myself sketching women.

I went through pictures that I had taken during BDSM scenes, and started making presents for some of my more recent fucktoys.

Then at one point, I was roping up a woman and sketching her on the spot. It was intense, and there was this surge of pride from making her cum then impressing her with my art.

Last week I took some of my best sketches and threw them on Instagram. The feedback was interesting and encouraging, so I decided to do a little experiment.

I looked through some the IG pages of local models. I started added those that I found to be very attractive, women that I would want to fuck in a heartbeat.

Saturday afternoon, I found this absolutely adorable lady with pretty eyes and relatively large tits.

One more night, and a lot more rope [MF][BDSM][kink]

I’ll let you in on a little secret: My stories are not 100% accurate.

Sometimes I forget things. Out of the first couple nights spent with my latest fucktoy, I forgot some incredibly fun moments. There was slowly dragging a wooden spoon over her butt, then spanking her until her entire ass had the cutest red glow. There was the moment where she hid the spoon under the covers, only to find out I packed two wooden spoons. There was the moment she hid that spoon, too.

And my personal favorite, when she was tied up and completely helpless, was me sitting just out of her reach and watching her struggle as I sketched her. I’m pretty proud of that work of art, too.

Sometimes I intentionally fudge details to hide the identity of the women I’m playing with. Other times, I edit down the sex amount, just to keep it in the believable realm, or to cut down on the repetition of the number of times I made her legs shake uncontrollably from cumming too hard.

I’m a sadist, and when I find that moment where I can completely control another person’s body, I don’t stop.

11 minutes later, she knew she was mine [mf][bdsm][rope]

11 minutes. That’s all it took.

Sure, in theory there was more preparation than that. We had been chatting for a couple weeks, and I casually collected information on her – self defense training, normal workout habits, the general size difference between the two of us (none, rarely and a whole foot shorter).

And we already had an exhausting 4-hour sex marathon two nights before, enough so that we both agreed to take a night off to recover.

But the rest was making her cocky, and she kept challenging me.

“Fight me,” she said.

We both finished up our work for the night and headed to the hotel. It was about 15 minutes closer to me, so I warned her that I’d be setting my traps.

First I laid some rope lines under the mattress. Hotel furniture design is notorious for not having any good anchor points to tie to, but I made do. The weight of a mattress with a body on top of it is a lot of friction. And I added some shackles to those ropes for quick use before hiding them under the covers.

The moment before a good decision [MF] [BDSM]

There’s that moment, right before you meet someone, that can be agony.

You start to regret the promises you made, or you start to worry that maybe they were catfishing you. Or worse, they won’t respect limits.

The anxiety of that moment can ruin an otherwise perfectly good night.

I’ve been lucky enough that I have found some wonderful women that have pushed past that moment. And I’ve had other nights where we get all the way to my hotel room, only to have some secret phantom touch her heart and make her have to leave.

I let them go if they must, because I’m not a monster.

She was in the garage, waiting. I went down to the lobby to meet her. The moment of agony stretched deeper. 

I didn’t want to let this one go. We’d been chatting for just over two weeks, and the connection was near-instantaneous. She was a short, smart girl with a cute face and really nice tits, plus just enough of a brat mentality to provoke me.

I really wanted her.