The Tale of the Party Fuck [M/F]

So this is my second story, please see the Tale of the Secret Red Head if you like this one!

In this accounting of sexual exploits, we find me in tryst with my extremely sexy ex. You all know what happens. You find yourself in a big group setting. You appear at the party and like clock work, so does your ex. But you are on good terms, you are both single and you both look pretty fucking good. Ladies and gentleman of the Midnight Society (come on, any Are You Afraid of the Dark Fans out there? Probably a cheesy gimmick, but still going to use it cause, whatever, Nickelodeon references are dope) I present to you, the Tale of the Party Fuck.

The preparty was alive and a buzz. People swarmed around in the small apartment of one of my good friends. Festive decorations had been strung about, tiki heads and paper flowers, reflecting luau theme of the party. We were preparing for the imminent (well in 2 hours) concert of a tropical house DJ. The setting was thus highly appropriate.

The Tale of the Secret Red Head

This story finds me meeting and bedding a most amazing blonde haired vixen. And while I have had a few blondes share my bed, this one was different. There was a lust and fire to her…a drive that only a select few in the world possess. Ladies and gentlemen of the Midnight Society, I present to you the Tale of the Hidden Red Head.

This story finds me living in a town I was fairly familiar with but not currently domiciled in at the time. Circumstances had driven me to this town on the high plains and I was looking to make the most of my brief duration in the town with the friends I knew from past parts of my life. On this occasion, it was a birthday with a large set of mainly female but a few male friends and I was looking forward to hanging out and catching up with everyone.