For the Love of Stars part 7&8 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long]

These are the final parts of my short story and the most dirty parts of the whole story. You can find the rest of it on my profile or just enjoy this dirty scene. I hope the ones who read the whole story have enjoyed the build up. This is it, what you’ve all been waiting for! Merry Christmas you filthy animals.


7. The Offering 

A distant pinging came bouncing through the tunnels and into the creature’s lair. The aliens did not notice the sound but It did. It had intended on breeding another one of the aliens before going back to grab the others in the cave but they were getting too close and doing damage. They could not be permitted to harm the forming nursery. 

For the Love of Stars part 5&6 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long, non consent-ish

This is a continuation of a story that can be found on this sub or on my profile. The story is heating up and the final act is just around the corner! All you sickos will appreciate parts 7&8, just you wait and see.


5. A Savior Among Salvation 

“Son of a bitch!” Commander Illidan swore and spun towards the exit. He was pretty sure he told them not to bring the roof down. 

EXO Knight 4 raced toward him, keeping her eyes scanning the surroundings. “Was that from the others?” 

After a minute of silence, a second explosion boomed out, closer this time. The EXO Knights were no strangers to combat explosions but in this environment, they might as well be coffin nails slamming into place.

“I don’t know.” He began to run. 

Fiona glanced back at the wall of intriguing carvings as she followed, her stomach fluttering with excitement. ‘Finally!’ She thought. ‘After all these years, I have a mission!’

For the Love of Stars part 3&4 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long, NSFW]

This is the continued story of a previous post I’ve made. Part 1 and 2 can be found on my profile. These chapters are more erotic than the previous 2 but the best is still to cum!


3. Contact

“This is Captain Lehane of the Colony ship, Gathered Hope, reporting a change in terrain. Our quest for an amicable water source has been fruitless as of now but geological scans showed an undiscovered canyon running through the Castro Planes. We are setting in now, the walls are wide enough to accommodate the Gathered Hope so we’ll take her through.”

A sound like a large fist hitting a metal door sounded over the recording. 

“Lieutenant Eagle, report!” Captain Lehane shouted, his voice sharp and crisp. 

“Negative, Captain!” She responded. “No obvious damage.”

“That’s odd. Did we strike the wall?”

A few clicks sounded before Lieutenant Eagle responded. “Negative. But, whatever happened must have damaged a sensor. We’re suddenly reading a drastic weight increase.”

“Weight increase?” The Captain let a thoughtful silence pass. 

A sound like screaming death came over the recording. Claxton alarms with human shouts filled the audio, making it unintelligible. 

For the Love of Stars part 1&2 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, non consentual-ish, long build]

Hello! This story was inspired by a certain adult video company, known for its live action tentacle porn leaning hard on the exaggerated aspect of hentai animation. I love a good, messy tentacle scene and they DELIVER. This is a messy tentacle scene or two after a good bit of suspense and action. I love sci-fi horror and wanted to give the tentacles their glory day in the hot sun. To be fair, it’s a long read but I’m feeling creative and horny. If you like a slow build, this one’s for you. I had to break it up for the Reddit format so if it seems some earlier parts are less erotic, that’s just part of the build up. I’ll post the whole story as quickly as I can without being too spamming on the feed.

It’s hard to write a good horror story with graphic scenes and not be a little… you know, horror. I did my best, the characters all got hit with the, “oh, I suddenly like this!” stick but tentacles gonna tentacle. 

If you’re just here for the juicy bits, part 7 is about where you’ll want to skip to. 
