Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 07 [Apocalypse, romance, drama, horror, oral, cheating]

Last time on Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom feels guilty about his time with Kelsey in the shed but finds Rachel to be open to the idea of letting him play with the young women. However, As they grow comfortable in their new home a looming threat draws closer each day.

Will Tom be able to handle the attention of two strong willed women? Will Bruce find out where our heroes dwell? What does time at home with guard duty feel like? Find out now!

Chapter 7: Guard Duty

Tom stood up and stretched, forcing his body to move. He felt exhausted, the little sleep he managed to get was not nearly enough. Still, he had to get up. The beeping alarm on the wrist watch said so. He groaned quietly as he fumbled for his clothes and got dressed. His eyes did not want to stay open and his jaw was starting to ache from back to back yawns. 2am was a hateful part of any clock and deserved to be abolished. Perhaps he could get the lawmakers in New Washington to look into it.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.06 [Apocalypse, romance, drama, teasing, fantasy cheating, loving wife, creampie]

Last time on Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel and Tom’s first assignment begins in disaster. Separated by a herd of infected, the couple is forced to huddle with other people to survive. Both experienced more than simple survival and now have to deal with consequences. 

Will Tom and Rachel’s love remain strong after a big test or is this the final straw? Find out now! 

Chapter 6: Coming Clean

Cameron noticed the change in Kelsey’s mood almost immediately. The young woman was bubbly and apparently over the brooding silence she held lately. He was glad to see it but Cameron also noticed Tom. The man was nervous about something. He did not know the couple all that well but he saw Tom to be a pretty easy going guy who liked to joke around. Now, he seemed moody and a bit too quiet. Perhaps the close call rattled the man. Regardless, some part of him did not like the mood switch between Kelsey and Tom. 

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 05 [Apocalypse, romance, drama, almost cheating, voyeurism]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom and Rachel reconcile in a not so romantic but intimate way. The air clears for Rachel and she begins to accept life inside the new camp.
Meanwhile, another group not too far away deals with some internal conflict and sets its sights on distant enemies. Their leader shows unbending will and promises to keep his son safe no matter the cost.

How will Tom and Rachel handle being out in the open after a while behind walls? Will their courage hold as unseen danger closes in around them? Find out now!

Chapter 5: On the Job Training

Cameron pulled the pickup truck down a bumpy gravel road and slowly moved along, careful not to make the engine growl too loudly. Diesel engines were noisy enough while idling to attract the infected’s attention. The day was quiet and the evening sun was still bright enough to allow them to operate. They would have to start looking for a place to bed down soon though. Moving around at night was a good way to get trapped or worse.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 04 [Apocalypse, survival, romance, drama, bDSm, rough sex, forced, anal]

Last time on Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

The camp’s defenses held back a mob of infected with minimal casualties. Rachel struggles to accept new people into her heart and Kelsey begins to face a harsh reality.
An outside threat in the form of barbaric raiders looms up to challenge the strength of the encampment.

How will the distressed and battered survivors handle so many negative setbacks? Can Tom and Rachel settle in or will their past drive them into loneliness? Find out now!

Chapter 4: Boiling Point

Rachel splashed cool water on her face several times. She felt exhausted after a long night of broken sleep and haunting dreams. She did feel a little more together today, despite the lack of deep rest. The flighty mood was starting to fade although she was not yet convinced they should stay here. Rachel was concerned for her own mental health and knew she was on the edge of disaster. There were times when she felt so blank that it scared her. No emotions at all, just the repetitive thought to keep breathing. In those moments, a small voice would question her stubborn refusal to just join the rest of her dead family. Those thoughts were sometimes more frightening than the monsters that would eat her alive.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 03 [Apocalypse, survival, romance, drama, group sex, cuckold, creampie]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom and Rachel enter a new home and try to settle in. Rachel battles against rising anxiety as Tom remains optimistic.
Meanwhile, Kelsey is dumped by her adulterous lover during a time of emotional vulnerability.
Will the wayward survivors find peace in this place or is one gunshot a signal of disaster? Find out now!

Chapter 3: A Sturdy Defense

“Where are you going?” Rachel fumbled in the dark for the pack of matches.

“Where do you think? That was a gunshot. We need to know why.” Tom was pulling on his boots. The sounds of people coming awake in a panic were all around them.

The lantern bloomed to life in their comfortable shack. “Yeah, I know but don’t you think they’ve got it covered? Why do you have to go?”

Tom pulled his shirt on and stood up. “Because if they fired a shot, there’s big trouble. They have crossbows and other shit. Firing a gun is just crazy and the last line of defense. And you know, I’d rather know what’s happening without having to be told.”

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 02 [Apocalypse, survival, romance, oral, cheating]

Last time in, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Married couple, Tom and Rachel seek shelter after a long day of avoiding a mob of infected humans. A simple mistake nearly led to disaster and forced the couple to bunker down in an abandoned fire truck. After a steamy night in a tight spot, strangers reached out to them with an offer of safety.

Was the offer legit? Will Tom and Rachel finally find a place to live? What about these mysterious survivors in suspiciously good shape? Find out now!

Chapter 2: A Fresh Start

“We’re from North Carolina, originally. My family lived in a small, rural town and when things went bad, we stayed with them. For a while it was good. Not a lot of infected ones and plenty of open space. But even those places fall eventually. The first thing that ran out was the food, the same problem everywhere has. We had to go out and loot for supplies and that led to us being discovered by bandits. Most of our family did not make it out and those of us who did were not in good shape. One by one until it was just us…” Tom’s eyes grew distant as he tried to remember the faces of his loved ones.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 01

Chapter 1: Burning down the House

“Quick! In here!” They ran into the house and shut the front door. “Shhhh!” The man said, pressing a dirty finger against his bearded lips.

The woman with greasy hair and sharp eyes nodded and faced the dark interior of the house with held breath. The seconds passed like slow torture in the tense silence. The man kept an ear pressed to the door as the woman’s eyes adjusted to the dim light of the sun set. The house was messy and stank of mold. Like most houses left standing, this one was decaying and falling apart. Still, it was better than being out in the open.

After a few minutes, they heard the sound of shuffling footsteps and wispy voices. The man felt sweat sting his eyes but did not move to wipe his face. The woman steadied herself in a low squat, hoping to avoid windows or sunlight beams. The whimpered words from those outside became clearer as the group moved closer to the decrepit house.

“…so hungry…need food…need to eat…so hungry…please…so hungry…” all the voices in the shuffling mob joined together in a moaning dirge. The sheer number of them sent a chill down the man’s spine.

For the Love of Stars 2 Final parts [sci-fi, tentacles, romance, incest, twincest, long]

The conclusion to my sci-fi tentacle epic!


8 – Reunion

“Okay. Here we go.” Lionel tensed his body, trying to be like water but feeling like stones. “Easy does it.”

The Anubi rose slowly, wrapping tentacles around the young man’s legs and waist. It tried to hold him up and still move smoothly but the two of them could not move with the right harmony. The problem was there was really nowhere for the prince to steady himself. They took a few unsteady steps as Lionel’s arms spread out in an effort to keep balanced. The Anubi tried to turn to avoid the wall and Lionel overcorrected, leaning too far. The Anubi tried to catch him and only managed to lose it’s own equilibrium.

Well meaning laughter followed the scene of tangled limbs and cursed words. Regina stood nearby, leaning against a pillar. “That’s a start, I guess.”

“Probably no better than your first try.” Lionel grumbled as he brushed himself off.

“Actually, no. It’s not easy at first even with the, you know.”

For the Love of Stars 2 parts 6&7 [sci-fi, tentacles, romance, incest, twincest, LONG]

6 – Twin Pleasure

Kade felt the warmth of their human partner engulf the most sensitive of all its body. They shuddered in delight, feeling safe inside her. The special place inside her body nudged the bulb of the tentacle and Kade felt a rush of pleasure course through its network of body. The pleasure must become its own energy, that would be the only way to release it. Otherwise, the feeling would move forever, becoming a source of madness. Kade had no choice but to push the madness away!

“Wow Kade!” Regina gasped. “That was fast. You must have been happy to be back.” Warm cum spilled out of her and oozed down the exposed purple tentacle. The tentacle remained hard, pressed firmly against her womb as if to assure her that it was not yet finished.

Happy to be back was an understatement. They were only separated for a couple hours but those were long hours. Kade rarely knew what to do when Regina was off doing ambassador work. They were still confused on why they could not go with her. Anubi could go to space just like the humans. Part of the training, before taking a human partner, taught young Anubi that humans sometimes needed time away from their partners. Even knowing this, many Anubi struggled with the separation even for short periods.

For the Love of Stars 2 parts 4&5 [sci-fi, tentacles, romance, incest, twincest, LONG]

Hey! Sorry it’s been a while since I posted. Got pretty caught up in life and stuff.


4 – An Ancient Melody

Prince Lionel walked aimlessly through the palace, still seething over the encounter with the princess. She was like a stranger to him! He guessed that was just the way of things from now on. It was not on his shoulders alone to carry the relationship so he would drop the weight. He needed to find something to do with his life. Pining around in a palace that he did not belong in was becoming too pathetic. He thought of the military again, imagining himself as a conquering hero of the Star Children. If he found his own glory, Lionel would not need his mother’s royalty to be his meal ticket. 

The young man walked halls he did not recognize as his imagination carried him to distant planets. Places that did not have aliens intent on brainwashing all the women. Places where he could be…what was that sound? Lionel stopped, his attention suddenly on his surroundings. The corridor was silent for a few moments and then he heard it again. A single musical note rang out from behind a door. He waited while holding his breath and after a few seconds, another single note played.