Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 13 [Apocalypse, romance, loving wife, reverse cuckold, cum cleanup]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel and Tom have some lazy fun until a random guest knocks on their door.

Dave and his cronies are given a mission that feels like a set up and Dave takes out his frustrations on his friends.

What will come from Kelsey’s quest for answers? Find out now!

Chapter 13: Pushing Boundaries

Kelsey sat down in one of the wooden chairs that was part of their dining table. The air in this cabin was thick and full of musk. Unlike Rachel, Kelsey felt no real desire to roll around in post coiltal messes. She wondered if it would be rude to crack open the window. Luckily, Rachel seemed to be aware enough to do that before sitting down at the table. They were all oddly silent for a few moments. The elephant in the room could not be more obvious. Tom finally broke the spell.

“I just realized, I’m the stinky one in the room,” Tom said. He quickly gathered a handful of objects that looked roughly like toiletries and excused himself.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 12 [Apocalypse, survival, romance, NON CON, manipulation]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel does not seem to be able to control herself! While Tom does the thing with Kelsey, she seduces Cameron and spends most the night making out with him. With the web growing more complicated by the day, Rachel continues to spin.

Who else might fall into the trap? Find out now!

Chapter 12: The Calm Before

Rachel woke in a state of confusion. Her pussy ached, she felt sticky and her mind was telling her that Cameron was the one who left her like this. But as she looked over, she saw Tom’s sleeping face. The real details of the night slid into focus and Rachel remembered everything as it actually happened. It had not been Cameron that fucked her raw but she did tried to fantasize that it was him. She was not successful at convincing herself with the fantasy. Tom was rough and used her like a toy. Last night, she was tied up, gagged with panties and being fucked like a slut. That did not seem like it would be Cameron’s style. Rachel imagined he would be slow and tender, for a while at least.

This is what you want [dark, non-con, humor, no gender, anal]

The evening blows in through the open window. Since your arm is hanging out, your hand feels the balmy air a second before your face does. The first warm night of the year felt like a good night for a drive and you could not resist rolling down the glass. The radio plays some song, you know it but you are not really hearing it. Your mind is already imagining what could be lurking in the dark shadows. Your imagination gets carried away and suddenly, you get an idea.

You steer your vehicle into the pitted asphalt parking lot with one flickering street light. Your car is the only one in this dark place and you feel alone in the world. But you know that is not true. That is precisely why you picked this place. You know better than to be here, the crawling on your skin is proof enough. The reputation of this parking lot is infamous in your town and yet, here you are.

How to Cuck-a-Succ Day 0 [fantasy, non-human, succubus, couple, romantic, voyeuristic, interactive(?)]

Too long, might read? How about a teaser?

A young couple is faced with a nearly impossible task, do not fuck the expert seductress! To receive the home of their dreams, Nick and Penny have to live with a succubus for one week and not have sex with it. With their eternal freedom at stake, the gamble could not be more risky. But what’s life without a little(a whole lot) of risk?

How to Cuck-a-Succ Day 0

Dealing with a Devil

Nick and Penny set out for a local flea market on a beautiful Sunday morning. They were in high spirits, the weather was beginning to warm up and their day was clear of all responsibilities. They were both dressed casually, blue jeans and t-shirts with sunglasses over their eyes and cups of steaming coffee in the cupholders. The day was starting out perfect and could only get better.

Feeling good with her curly brown hair wiping in the air, Penny reached over and put her hand on Nick’s lap. She squeezed and felt him respond instantly. One of the things she loved about her husband was his ability to get hard and stay hard. Even after an orgasm, he could stay hard enough to keep going until all participants were satisfied.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 11 [Apocalypse, romance, horror, loving wife, flirting, teasing, cheating]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel invited Kelsey over for dinner but was gone when the young woman arrived. Safely behind walls and with hours of alone time, Tom and Kelsey finally take it all the way. 

What was Rachel doing during all that adultery? Find out now!

Chapter 11: Guard Duty 2: Electric Boogaloo

Rachel walked to the front gate with a light head and squirming gut. The air was thick from the excitement she felt. It was strange to be this excited and not even be the one getting fucked. But the facts were undeniable. When Rachel pictured Kelsey walking into their cabin and going for Tom, it made her pussy feel like it was on fire. How long would it take before her husband was buried inside that seductress? Rachel would be willing to bet it would not take more than a few minutes. The only thing that could make this better would be a peep hole she could watch them through. She would have to talk to Tom about installing that. 

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.11 [Apocalypse, romance, horror, loving wife, flirting, teasing, cheating]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel invited Kelsey over for dinner but was gone when the young woman arrived. Safely behind walls and with hours of alone time, Tom and Kelsey finally take it all the way.

What was Rachel doing during all that adultery? Find out now!

Chapter 11: Guard Duty 2: Electric Boogaloo

Rachel walked to the front gate with a light head and squirming gut. The air was thick from the excitement she felt. It was strange to be this excited and not even be the one getting fucked. But the facts were undeniable. When Rachel pictured Kelsey walking into their cabin and going for Tom, it made her pussy feel like it was on fire. How long would it take before her husband was buried inside that seductress? Rachel would be willing to bet it would not take more than a few minutes. The only thing that could make this better would be a peep hole she could watch them through. She would have to talk to Tom about installing that.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 10 [Apocalypse, romance, horror, loving wife, cheating, safe sex]

Last time on Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom and Rachel play in the backseat as Rachel tries to show off for Kelsey. However, the young woman seemed upset by the show rather than amused by it.
Meanwhile, Kenneth and a couple friends visit Jess’s brothel for a night off.
Will Kelsey be able to juggle her jealousy and sexual frustrations? Will Rachel’s plans come to fruition?
Find out now!

Chapter 10: Dinner for Two

Life at camp became a lot less relaxed after Cameron and his team returned from their mission. The council decided to keep the citizens close to home to help shore up defenses and comb the surrounding areas for signs of people. The Deterrent Team got a few more hands to help with the local bell project and the walls and traps received some much needed maintenance. The council never outwardly admitted that the camp was in high alert but the survivors of this Apocalypse rarely needed such things explained.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 09 [Apocalypse, romance, horror, loving wife, sneaky sex, brothel]

Last time on Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel continues to secretly bask in the heat of Kelsey’s scorn. Tom plays into his wife’s twisted desires and pulls Kelsey into a secret place to finally have a taste of that sweet pussy.

Meanwhile, Bruce crosses paths with Cameron’s team after spending a few days spying on New Washington. Having to flee in a hurry, Bruce mistakenly left behind evidence of his presence.

How will the group handle the signs of being stalked? Who will get satisfaction and who will be left wanting? Find out now!

Chapter 9: The Haze of Candle Smoke Nights

Tom squatted down on his haunches and rubbed his mouth as if he was deeply troubled. When dawn was starting to break and the sky turned grey, Tom had decided to check out the weird sound he heard about an hour ago. It sounded like an agitated infected fell over and then went completely silent. That was very unusual and when he could see enough details to feel safe, he came over to investigate. What he found was indeed suspicious and very concerning. Tom gathered up the items, took a slow sweeping look around and quickly made his way back to camp. He stuffed the evil items into his backpack so the others would not see them. He would have to talk to Cameron about it in private.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 08 [Apocalypse, horror, romance, cheating, oral sex, sneaky]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Kelsey gives Tom a reason to love guard duty as Rachel continues to find sexual gratification in their sneaking around. Meanwhile, the days are much darker at the hotel as the past haunts the struggling survivors. Ghosts and demons close in and the only way out is bloody.

Will Kelsey finally get the sex she’s been begging for? Will the survivors encounter the dangerous man stalking their group? Winter is coming fast, what will our heroes do to protect their own? Find out now!

Chapter 8: Back in Shack

Tom laid on the bed, snoring softly as he slept the previous day’s guard shift off. Rachel smiled as she looked at him, feeling good and at peace with their lives. Sure, she would trade anything to get back to what had been before but she could also see a decent life in this place. Tom was good to her and his faithfulness was far beyond anything she should expect in this world. Rachel knew that the bond they shared was more rare now than it ever was before. Hell, the chances of a couple even surviving the infected this long together is about impossible.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 01 [Apocalypse, series, romance, drama, horror, marital fun]

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse

Chapter 1: Burning down the House

“Quick! In here!” They ran into the house and shut the front door. “Shhhh!” The man said, pressing a dirty finger against his bearded lips.

The woman with greasy hair and sharp eyes nodded and faced the dark interior of the house with held breath. The seconds passed like slow torture in the tense silence. The man kept an ear pressed to the door as the woman’s eyes adjusted to the dim light of the sun set. The house was messy and stank of mold. Like most houses left standing, this one was decaying and falling apart. Still, it was better than being out in the open.

After a few minutes, they heard the sound of shuffling footsteps and wispy voices. The man felt sweat sting his eyes but did not move to wipe his face. The woman steadied herself in a low squat, hoping to avoid windows or sunlight beams. The whimpered words from those outside became clearer as the group moved closer to the decrepit house.