Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.17 [Apocalypse, romance, MFF threesome, sub wife, reverse cuckold, clean-up]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom and Gregg raced off with a group of strangers to fight a threat.

Abandoned by Dave, E and Andy were caught off guard. As the strangers intended, the two wayward junkies were killed before they could say a word.

After a long, bloody chase, Dave found his own demise in a mob of infected humans. The final scapegoat for Kenneth’s plan seemed to take care of itself.

Where do the survivors go from here? Find out now!

Chapter 17: Growing Ever Closer

The following morning came and like Cameron predicted, the Deterrent Team was chomping at the bit to leave camp. It took all his peacekeeping skills to convince the team to wait a little while. He reasoned with them, if Gregg had to bunker down, he could not move until first light. He urged them to wait until mid-morning before rushing off and they eventually acquiesced. The hard men were still hovering around the gate, watching the road and their clocks.

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.16 [Apocalypse, horror, action, bloody]

This chapter has no erotic scenes due to the nature of the story. I did not force one in, but the next chapter is more sexually graphic and ready to post. It’ll be here in a few hours or so.

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom and Gregg leave camp during a state of emergency.

Rachel, unable to resist the pull of physical comfort, seduces Cameron. Using an empty cabin, the two of them made love without regret.

What happened outside the walls while those at camp lived in fear? Find out now!

Chapter 16: The Chase

The flat black truck crept up the road with infinite patience. Gregg was feathering the accelerator, making sure the engine stayed as quiet as possible. All the windows were down so the men inside could look and listen for any sign of the attacker. Rifle barrels poking out of each window, ready to unleash a storm of bullets in any direction. The crunching of the truck tires sounded ominous and loud in the silence of the cab.

“There’s a ranger station about a mile up the road,” Gregg said, finally breaking the silence. “We can check there first.”

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.15 [romance, drama, cheating wife, sneaky sex, raw]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel and Kelsey have some special bonding time while Tom and Cameron grow farther apart.

Jealousy, as it would turn out, was the least of Cameron’s problems. New Washington is attacked as soon as unsavory guests arrive.

What are Kenneth and his goons up to? Find out now!

Chapter 15: Suspicious Circumstances

The orange glow of early morning cast the surrounding mountain scape in shades of golden beauty. There were a few scattered clouds in the sky, but it was obvious that they would clear away soon. Even though the birds had stopped singing or retreated to less occupied areas, the morning could not have been more picturesque. The only detail that marred what could have been the inspiration for an oil painting? A wave of infected humans that came stumbling out of the trees.

“Oh, fuck me!” Tom cried out.

“Back to the walls!” Gregg shouted, training his gun at the incoming threat.

“What about us?” the man named Stephen asked. “Where can we go?”

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.14[Apocalypse, romance, cheating, amateur F/F, face riding]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel, Tom, and Kelsey took advantage of some quiet times during lockdown and played together for the first time. Rachel continues to keep her affair with Cameron to herself.

How could this possibly blow up in their faces? Find out now!

Chapter 14: Coming Together

The next couple days passed like a dream. Tom, Rachel, and Kelsey continued to play and grow together. Their sex got more adventurous with Kelsey loosening up and testing her limits. Although, Rachel was still made to stay hands off during actual sex, Kelsey has allowed her to grow more affectionate with her clean up duties. She loved to watch the woman as she lovingly licked her own husband’s cum up. It felt like an affirmation to who was winning between the two of them. Kelsey was starting to get a taste for dominating the small woman.

How to Cuck a Succ Day 2- part 3 [fantasy, succubus, married couple, public sex, MFF threesome, creampie]

**final part of day 2**

That night, Penny ordered a ride on her phone. She intended to have a good time and did not want to have to drive. She doubted that Kelly had a driver’s license. They were planning on meeting a few of Penny’s friends at a bar, but the texts were not looking positive. In all fairness, meeting up on a Tuesday for a wild night was not very common. She even had a hard time finding a club that would be open. After some time searching the internet and a couple phone calls, Penny managed to find a bar that was having a karaoke night. 

A black sedan pulled into their driveway at 8pm. Kelly and Penny stood up from the couch and walked towards the door. Nick walked with Penny, using this last moment to keep his hand on her bare ass. She was wearing a sundress with a floral pattern and he always got handsy when she allowed such free access. Her curly, brown hair was loose and smelled clean. The light application of make-up made Penny’s sharp eyes stand out from behind her glasses. Nick’s hands and eyes all over her made her feel sexy. 

How to Cuck a Succ Day 2-part 2 [fantasy, succubus, married couple, thigh-job, public masterbation, voyeur]

Kelly acting distant this morning caused a chain reaction for Penny. Her plans to gain control of the situation were completely circumstantial. She was relying on the succubus to act the same way everyday. She realized that was her first mistake. After losing to them on the first day, Kelly would obviously try a new strategy. Penny was going to have to be more fluid in responding and planning. She needed to scrap her feeble ideas and try a different approach. 

Penny did not have a lot of free time to text at work today. She was posted on nurse duty instead of the reception desk. She took every opportunity she could to text Kelly but the communication was much cooler today. It was difficult to keep a sexy conversation going with long pauses. When the afternoon finally rolled around, the conversation had grown stale and a bit boring. 

Penny spent most of her shift overthinking everything that happened. Since Kelly did not seem to be as brash as she was yesterday, Penny worried something had offended the succubus. She tried to pinpoint the exact moment it happened. Penny thought of the living room remodel, the dinner, the feet on the table, that tense, sexual moment between the three of them, and then when they snapped out of it. 

How to Cuck a Succ Day 2-part 1 [fantasy, succubus, couple, anal, teasing, MFF, creampie]

**this chapter was so long, I have to post it in parts. Annoying, I know but I only get 4000 words per post. I won’t drag it out too long, will post the rest of the chapter by the end of the day.**

How to Cuck a Succ Day 02 – Play With it

Tuesday morning did not start as innocently as the previous morning had. Penny, after a fitful night of tossing and turning, finally gave up on trying to fall asleep. She tapped her phone and squinted to see the time. Without her glasses, the block numbers were blurry, but she eventually made out what they were. There was still a half an hour left before their alarm would start to ring. 

With a sigh of annoyance, Penny rolled back onto her pillow. She felt restless and tired but could not satisfy either feeling. Each time her mind tried to slip into deep rest, thoughts of Kelly would interrupt. The succubus’s flirty smile and playful eyes were locked into her consciousness and would not disappear. Penny stared at the ceiling and wondered about what the alluring creature was up to this morning. 

Johnny Edgerider vs The Big Bang [space, sci-fi, horror, war, non-con, non-human, breeding]

First, I’d like to thank the volunteer literotica editor, Neuroparenthetical, for the superb editorial service. I sent them an atrocious block of text and they helped me turn it into a story. It took a while for both of us and I really appreciate them and all other editors who do what they do for the love of reading.

May not be your thing if you prefer monsters to ask for consent before being monsters.

Enjoy! :)

Johnny Edgerider vs The Big Bang!
An Odyssey of Lust

Part One: Johnny Pulls a Real Witch

Johnny Edgerider was just like any small town man on Earth. Though he held big city plans on a back burner, he would not chase them. Johnny was the kind of guy who set aside his dreams to help the family farm; the kind of guy who would pull over to fix a stranger’s flat tire; the kind of guy who would attend church and help the Amish people raise barns. On top of that, Johnny had it all! He was good-looking, quick-witted, strong-willed, and had a body built like an ancient Greek warrior to hold it all together.

How to Cucc a Succ Day 01 [Fantasy, Succubus, couple, MFF, public sex, teasing, challenge]

Hello fellow readers! This is a continuation; the first part is titled “Day 00” and should be read first.

Hope you enjoy it!

I have arrived at the target location and have settled into the guest bedroom with no troubles at all. As you know, I have been doing this kind of thing for a long time and can get a pretty good idea on how well I’ll do in the first few moments. I can say with utmost certainty, we’ve got this one in the bag! Though Penny will be a tough shell to crack, Nick is already hanging by a thread. As soon as I can get him alone, it’s over! But I do have to be aware that Penny is on to me. She won’t let him out of her sight for long. Anyways! I’m sure I’ll see you in a day or two and then we can work out what to do with this house. It really is kind of cute.

Yours Indefinitely,

Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 13 [Apocalypse, romance, loving wife, mff, reverse cuckold, cleanup]

**repost for title edit**

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel and Tom have some lazy fun until a random guest knocks on their door. 

Dave and his cronies are given a mission that feels like a set up and Dave takes out his frustrations on his friends. 

What will come from Kelsey’s quest for answers? Find out now!

Chapter 13: Pushing Boundaries 

Kelsey sat down in one of the wooden chairs that was part of their dining table. The air in this cabin was thick and full of musk. Unlike Rachel, Kelsey felt no real desire to roll around in post coiltal messes. She wondered if it would be rude to crack open the window. Luckily, Rachel seemed to be aware enough to do that before sitting down at the table. They were all oddly silent for a few moments. The elephant in the room could not be more obvious. Tom finally broke the spell.

“I just realized, I’m the stinky one in the room,” Tom said. He quickly gathered a handful of objects that looked roughly like toiletries and excused himself.