Like millions of people around the world, I lost my job when quarantine hit several months ago. Technically, I was “furloughed”, but we all knew what that probably meant. I had no job and not much to do. For months it was just online classes, lots of weed, trying my best to become a “normal” person who has hobbies and exercises regularly (or, you know, any sort of productive activity), and no sex. My last sexual activity, other than masturbating, was a toothy, disappointing blowjob from a Tinder date three months ago.
When the government’s bonus unemployment money dried up back in July, I at first reassured myself more would come in. But eventually I had to face reality and start looking for work. Success came in the form of a call from a local restaurant I’d worked at a couple years ago and who knew me. They offered me a position at the front, sending out orders, dealing with customers and other menial, but not unpleasant tasks.
One of my favorite parts of working a job like this has always been (I hope) subtly ogling the more attractive clientele. This place was in a town with multiple big colleges, so there was no shortage of incredibly hot women. On the day of this story, I encountered just such a girl.