Since everyone is being such an asshole in the other subreddits, thought I’d seek out personal one on one advice here. So i’ll probably give way too many details for potentially my fiance to know it’s me, but fuck it… here’s a bit of back story…
Last december, me and my guy went to the caribbean to chill for a week. it was an amazing trip, a great unwind, especially since his dad had recently gotten pretty sick and he was having a rough time at work (he works from home as a tech support specialist for a company and people had been giving him a hard time). he makes good money and can actually request a ton of time off, and my job is pretty flexible, so we just kinda went down to some island and chilled.
anyway, while we were there, we met this girl (23f) at our hotel while we were out just getting some sun (we’re from the northeast, so sun in december is like, VERY crucial for me). we got to talking, she seemed cool, we learned she lived literally 25 miles away from us, and we partied together for the last 3 days we were there. we exchanged numbers, yadda yadda, you know the drill.