My husband [M] has sex with me [F] mainly in the missionary position

Every five or six nights, my husband rolls over in our bed and starts prodding his erect penis between my ass cheeks. That’s how I know he’s sexually excited. We kiss and I roll on to my back and he climbs on top of me. He pushes his penis into my vagina, which is not so wet at first so it hurts initially, until eventually he ejaculates inside of me (not on my face or anywhere else). I have never orgasmed with him inside of me, so he then masturbates me to completion (after I help him find my clitoris – again).

Every four or five occasions I will let him put his penis in my mouth for a minute, or let him lick my vagina, or get on top of him so he can fondle my butt cheeks while we have sex, but we mostly stick to missionary. It works for us, except those times when I just don’t feel like it for several weeks and so just ignore the fact he’s prodding his erect penis between my ass cheeks.

Finally, a true sex story on Reddit.

My father-in-law sucks my tits [M]50 [F]29

This is what happened next after my last two naughty encounters with my father-in-law (FIL), which you can read on my profile if you want to. He stayed with us for a few weeks over the holidays. Before this incident, other than a gentle pat on the bum, he hadn’t really touched me, but this changed all that.

After a day of tiring winter walks, me, my husband and my FIL were all lazing around that night watching trash TV. A lot of beer and wine had been consumed and I was channel hopping. We started watching a documentary about extreme body modification – tattoos, piercings, that kind of thing. The show was mostly about people regretting getting quite radical things done, like a guy with more than a hundred piercings on his face etc.

Anyway, we’d been watching for a while and my FIL kept commenting that he didn’t understand why anyone would want a tattoo or a piercing, and I kept drunkenly/playfully arguing back that they can be cool if you get something more subtle done. This back-and-forth went on for most of the show, with my FIL describing what he was seeing as “disgusting” and saying that piercings must be so sore and uncomfortable.

I [F] finally showed my father-in-law [M] my pussy

So I’ve finally worked up the courage to post an update on my last story about giving my father-in-law (FIL) an erection. To be honest, a lot of the comments made me feel ashamed for getting excited about my FIL finding me attractive but I’ve decided, after reflecting on it, that I have nothing to feel guilty about. Thank you to everyone who was more supportive, especially those pointing out that this subreddit is about posting sexual stories, so “if you don’t like that, don’t read them.” You helped me overcome the shame some people suggested I should have.

One of the main reasons for me feeling relatively guilt-free is that when I told my husband about the kitchen incident in bed later that night, he was super excited about it and encouraged me to tease his dad more. We had sex fantasising about what had happened and what more could transpire in the days ahead. So for all those people who told me I could ruin my marriage, please be clear that my husband finds this hot and and was fully aware of events while my FIL stayed with us.

I [F] just gave my father-in-law [M] an erection. What should I do next?

My lovely father-in-law (FIL) – he’s 50, I’m 29 – is staying with us over Christmas (arrived yesterday) and something exhilarating just happened. My husband slept in this morning, meaning breakfast was just me and my FIL. Thinking nothing of it, I appeared in the kitchen in the satin night dress I slept in and made breakfast for him while chatting away to him, as he drank coffee at the kitchen table.

Everything seemed nice and normal enough, except that whenever I looked up he seemed to be staring at a different part of my body and wasn’t bothered to avert his eyes when he saw me “catch” him. I know my husband is going to love this when I tell him because I know from past experience he thinks it’s important that his dad thinks he landed a good-looking girl.

Anyway, I finished preparing his breakfast and I lean over him to place his plate down and I feel him looking down my dress at my breasts. That’s when something completely unexpected happens. He says with a big smile “Honey, can I ask you something? Do you have any underwear on under that thing?” I started giggling, half nervously and in retrospect half excitedly. Trying to stay as natural as possible, I said “No, this dress is basically a bra itself so I don’t need one with it.” He then responds “Oh no, I can see that. I mean, down below” and he points towards my crotch.