[M]y Daddy Complex: PAT

Sometimes my gf like to be aggressive. I allow her to because sometimes it’s fun to be the dominant one. So every now again I let her jump on top and push me down and make out with me.

Last night she fucked up…..if know from my last post that calling me daddy is just a sure fire way to get awaken something I have motivation to understanding why but a hell of a lot of interest acting on.

*pushes me down to the couch*
“Time to suck some dick”

‘Oh here we go’ (single quote for thoughts)

“Daddy is going to get milked whether he want to or not”

‘Daddy gets nothing he doesn’t want but all of what he desires’

I’m 6’3” and pretty muscular with athletic and agile strength. Come in handy when you’re manhandling delicate things.

So easily I push her down to floor.
‘Daddy also takes cares of his things’
So I catch her right before she hits the floor easing her down. She instinctively tries to get back up but a light shoulder push gets her back on her back.

[M]y Daddy Kink

When it comes to be called daddy and having a girl just lust and beg for my cock something inside me just flip a switch and all of sudden I’m a dominant being of untold aggression.

I won’t hesitate ask a chick to do exactly what I say even the most difficult request will start coming out of my mouth.

This one girl came to my apt once to watch a movie and “cuddle”. I made my usual moves to seduce her but with me if get a no or resistance I’m all hands off. Even if it’s a playful no like “ssss that feels so good but noooooo” with my tip right on her clit. I’ll shut down anymore advances. I never wanna put my self in any position where I misread the signs and do any unwanted harm on a women especially sexually.

So like I said I used the usual moves touching her pussy outside the pants during the movie and she moved my hand. Cool backed off eh no problem. We go to sleep after the movie and she does the thing where she press her butt on me to “wake me up”