So much frustration… with a merciful payoff [FM] [long buildup]

This happened a few years ago, but still tops any hookup I’ve had for most frustrating buildup. I had just moved to a new area, and hadn’t had sex for several months prior to this. Hope you all enjoy!

It was a Friday night and I was waiting for my friend to tell me where she was. I knew she was with her boyfriend. She tended to move fast in relationships, and the PDA was plentiful, which made hanging with them awkward. But I had no other plans and was determined to go out.

Finally, she texted: “Ok so I’m with Sam… but he has a friend with him. You aren’t going to like him. He’s kind of rude and not very smart.”

I believed her. Melissa usually had a good grasp on my preferences. I thought for a few minutes, considering whether it might be better to just call it a night than meet someone new I might hate.

“So…. should I not come?” I asked. Maybe she’d make the decision for me.

“No no, definitely join. Just ignore him, don’t worry about it.”

That settled it.