[MF] Julia – Revisiting a school exchange after many years years

This is my second story here. The first one is here :

First sex after separation – Jan [MF] from gonewildstories

Julia and I went back almost 20 years. We’d been friends on and off since I was 16. We first met when she visited the UK on a school exchange, and she was staying with one of my classmates. Over the years we chatted, exchanged Christmas and bday cards, and followed each others lives on social media, but we hadn’t seen each other for 7 or 8 years at this time. She was there to listen when things went south with my ex, and the separation started. The summer after it all happened, my boss asked me to go on a 6 week work placement to Julia’s city. I jumped at the chance to get away, as the separation was still raw, and I was missing my son.

First sex after separation – Jan [MF]

This is my first post ever on Reddit – so please excuse my writing style…it’s prob way too long!

I’m an expat, been living away from my home country for over a decade and I’d been married to a demanding and very tough woman (from Germany) for all of that period. I guess I’d stayed in the relationship because of a number of reasons – was scared of losing access to my son, was scared of my ex and her temper, and was psychologically in a bad place due to years of being made to feel unimportant and unattractive. She kept using my son or sex as a weapon to get what she wanted – unfortunately both were my weak points. After repeated threats from her to divorce me, I called her bluff and told her I was done. She took my boy and went back to Germany whilst I stayed out in the Middle East. Anyway that’s the backstory…I felt like crap as I didn’t have my boy around, but I felt like the biggest fucking weight had been taken off my shoulders.