As a captain [M26] I was seduced to commandeer her body [24] [MF]

To understand the story I first need to setup some things. It is a long story, but here are the essentials. I own an old boat. A 38m ‘Spits’ boat for hauling cargo that has been remodelled to be a house and a ‘hotel’. An added extra floor offers more than enough space. I offer river cruises on the European rivers for up to 6 people very comfortably, offering it to one group at a time. It is geared for people with too much money, which was easier than you might think. The luxury layer is surprisingly small over the harsh steel exterior. The most difficult thing was installing the hot tub in the front behind glass, so the rich can watch as we move through the rivers. As the ‘hotel’ is rather small it is easy to clean, and I offer chef cooking besides.

Something about myself. I’m a big, man by nature, training regularly to stay well muscled. Thanks to my cooking the remainder is filled out very well, but generally I feel more massive than fat. So far the girls tend to agree. I was still young at 26 at the time.