[MF] The Slutty Lawyer Saga – Part 2: Second half of the first date

Link to Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5pbupb/mf_mother_pimped_her_daughter_out_to_me/

*I changed the name of the story to better reflect the tone and because Jen’s mom didn’t technically pimp her out. The night I met her she did go on about my big lips and how Jen would love kissing them, and she said that at worst we could become fuck buddies. She also makes an appearance in part 3, so I’ll leave it at that.


When Jen dropped me off after our first date, the car with the hockey game crew was already running and waiting for me. I can only imagine how I smelled, going straight from the sex-mobile into the rental car. It was difficult to explain how my four-hour first date went when they asked me about it.

Fast-forward to after the game; I was in desperate need of a shower so Jen picked me up at 11:30pm to take me to her place. On the way we stopped at her neighborhood gas station where she filled the Mercedes with gas while I went in to buy condoms. As I mentioned in part 1, I have very little sexual experience – I had only had sex twice before Jen and this was the first time that I had ever bought condoms knowing I was going to make use of them. Even though we fucked bareback earlier that day we agreed that the responsible thing to do was to use protection this time.

[MF] Mother pimped her daughter out to me

*For confidentiality purposes, some personal details have been altered.

This past winter break I went on vacation to LA with my dad, step-mom and step-sisters. We stayed at the timeshare that we have been going to for about 5 years and we have become close with the family that rents out the room next door to ours. For reference, I am 26 years old.

On the last Monday night in our stay – I was scheduled to leave on Friday – we hosted another couple for a BBQ (they were friends of our neighbours). The wife reminded me of my mom so we hit it off quickly, and after a few drinks the talk turned to relationships. When I told her that I had been single for about a month her eyes lit up. She said she had a daughter called Jen who is about my age and wanted to set us up on a date before I left. I was intrigued as I hadn’t been on a date or hooked up with a girl since my last relationship ended, and something about a mom pimping her daughter out to me had me excited. Her sales pitch included describing Jen as a fun and easy-going lawyer who would be into my kind demeanor, intelligence, and big lips. I was sold.