[MF] A night in the lake

Staying in a beach house for a week had been something I was looking forward to the entire summer. The mid-August heat made somewhat bearable by the breeze coming off the lake, I found myself down by the water more times than I could count over those 6 days.

The last day of the vacation was spent similarly to the others, vying for space on the often over crowded beach. For a small town, there sure were a lot of people.

As the other groups thinned out, mine began popping out the drinks and savouring every minute as the sun crept below the horizon. The evening was much more temperate and we were perfectly comfortable staying to enjoy it.

The hours flew by as we continued reminiscing over the last several days, polishing off everything we had brought with us. By now the sun had been down for a couple hours and night truly was upon us.