The Legend of the Kundali Tribe [Incest] [Tribal] [Breeding] [M/S]

(All characters are 18+)

Deep in the eastern hemisphere is a jungle that has been deemed “Off limits” by the nations that surround it. There resides a tribe of people who’s traditions have been unchanged for countless generations.

Many of the surrounding tribes and nations look down upon them. Deeming them barbaric savages for their practices. Yet not one tribe or nation has ever been able to defeat them.

This is primarily due to the fact that the skill, strength, and speed of the Kundali warrior has become the stuff of Legend. Any expedition or manhunt into their territory has lead to every person who entered the jungle to be gone without a trace.

But this unmatched power has not been given by chance. At a young age, every Kundali male must begin warrior training. During this time they will face every hardship and challenge that both nature and the violence of combat will throw at them.

Once they reach the age of Manhood, they must undergo a series of trials that shell determine their future. These trials push them to the absolute limit. Testing their strength, speed, and intelligence to root the weak out from the strong.

What actually goes on in the mind of your Kind Older Neighbor… [Breeding] [Corruption]

You see me every day standing at my porch with coffee in hand as i give you that warm smile that has become our little ritual at this point. My warm smile giving you a cozy feeling inside as you head out on your way to college. Little do you know that behind these kind old eyes i am undressing you and picturing you in every humiliating position imaginable upon my bed.

You’ve known me for such a long time now you practically view me as a father figure. The tall, lumbering old man who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Who cares for you and wishes you well every single day. Who’s good friends with your father and is practically an uncle or grandfather to you.

Yet that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Behind my smile i fantasize about using your tight little body like it’s nothing more then a human flesh light.

Behind my gentle demeanor i get off to using women like nothing more then fuck meat. Pushing them to the limit with degrading and humiliating kinks. In fact one of the days where you came up to my porch for a brief chat about your school life you hadn’t the slightest clue that I had a young woman your age strapped down into my bed at the very moment we were speaking.

Tribal Traditions (Part 2) [Breeding] [Cuckold] [Interracial] [Ritual] [Tribal]

The couple was tired and exhausted as they made their way into the depths of this seemingly endless jungle for over an hour now.

Ann’s arms and legs were covered with cuts and scrapes. In Marks blind rage he had forgotten the fact that he had given the guide their pack to carry earlier during their trip since he was too exhausted and the weight was too much for his smaller frame.

All their survival equipment, From Medicine to Food was within that pack.

Ann was dehydrated and ready to collapse, but she simply went on behind her husband with her gaze downtrodden on to the ground.

Mark went on completely oblivious to his wife’s condition. Fueled by rage and spite as he tugged her along every step of the way.

The couple continued their trek in complete silence. Hours seemed to pass by as they traversed this endless hellscape of a jungle.

As Mark made through a clearing of vines he tugged on his wife’s arms only to find that she was no longer walking alongside him.

She had passed out from exhaustion.

Tribal Traditions [Breeding] [Cuckold] [Interracial] [Tribal] [Ritual]

Far in the eastern hemisphere in a jungle that few men dare to enter. There is a legend regarding a tribe who’s customs have lasted generations.

Every attempt at contacting this tribe has lead to those who venture within their territory to disappear without a trace. After multiple failed expeditions and armed man hunts hellbent on destroying the tribe were completely wiped out. the nations around their territory decided to shelter its existence from the outside world.

No one would venture in and no one would venture out of a place that simply did not exist on any map.

Well, mostly no one.

Ann Lockhart was a woman who had it all in life. Her father owned a massive oil company. Which meant the Lockhart family had never had to worry about putting food on the table or chasing careers.

She was able to attend one of the best ivy league colleges in the states, and by the age of adulthood she had owned a share of her fathers company that would be able to provide for her a thousand lifetimes over