This story is for a reader who contacted me privately with a suggestion. I hope that you enjoy!
*For readers who are unfamiliar, my wife Jade and I are average suburbanites, with a fairly active and recently rejuvenated sex life. We’re both in our mid-thirties; I’m white, average build and about six feet tall. Jade is mixed Asian/Native American with an average build (thick ass, small breasts), radiant green eyes and long black hair.*
It was a cold and rainy Saturday night. I’d been talking to a woman throughout the week who wanted to meet up for a drink (and more, for a price, she’d implied) at a local hotel. After getting my room key, I quickly found her, sitting at the middle of the hotel bar. She wasn’t hard to miss. She was already flirting with the bartender, who looked eager to be talking to her. In her mid-thirties and with long black hair, she was dressed in tight jeans, black stiletto heels and a flowing, sparkly top, complete with a lot of makeup and big jewelry. She was definitely curvy, which I didn’t mind at all, and her hips were highlighted by her tight jeans. I felt a pang I’d jealousy and excitement, as the bartender was clearly into her. I walked right up to her and said “Hi, Jade.” Her eyes lit up and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. She wore bright red lipstick and some dark eyeliner that drew out her eyes. “Hey guy, are you going to buy me a drink or what?”