Wild night after work (This is a true story[MF])

Shortly after graduating college I moved back home and got a job at a local grocery store. After working there for about 6 months I was trusted with teaching the new hires how everything worked and on this particular day I was tasked with training this girl who was drop dead gorgeous. It was as though God and Michelangelo sat down together to mold the perfect woman. I thought to myself damn I gotta teach this girl who’s probably stuck up and gets by with her looks how to do a job she probably doesn’t want to do. As we began to work together more and more I found out that she was one of the coolest and most down to earth people I had ever met. We had similar life experiences, food and music interests. We eventually become close friends, going on lunch breaks together, hanging out almost every day after work introducing each other to our friend groups. It seemed like we were the best best of friends after about 2 months. I even tried to get her to go out with some of my friends but she passed on every one of them, I had never asked her about previous boyfriends and she never ask about my girlfriends so I figured she was gay and just gave up. One day after work we went out to get food like we had done numerous times before but this time was way different and will never be forgotten! We pulled into a parking lot of a strip mall and tried to figure out which restaurant to go in.