Altered Perception [M/F] (aggressive)

Part 1: The Encounter

In the silence of twilight a set of distressed black boots crunched over crisp leaves and clouds of cigarette smoke wafted past flickering street lights. The night air combined with inhaling the toxic mixture of nicotine and other chemicals caused my nerves to be soothed and mind to wander. Jacob, my most recent lover, was on the forefront of my mind.
“How mad will he be when he finds out I won’t be seeing him anymore?” I thought. Tired from hiding the increasingly flirty relationship from my boyfriend, the pretense of friendship was getting harder to maintain every day. I worried James already knew of my transgressions.
Passing a local dive bar I noticed a few stragglers gathered outside swaying in the neon glow. It was long after last call so I quickened my steps to avoid unwanted attention. I could never be sure how my choice of dress would be perceived by intoxicated gentlemen. Regardless of the cold autumn surroundings tattered black thigh highs clung to thin yet shapely legs and too far above them to be considered modest a skirt made of faux black leather covered just enough of my swaying rear so that with every step a teasing glimpse of red lace and garters could be seen. Above that my favorite jacket fit just so, it’s zipper straining to hide the ample breasts that today I had decided would remain unrestrained by conventional lingerie.
A few moments later I neared the gate to the back entrance of the home I shared with my boyfriend. My steps faltered hesitating to enter. A queasy feeling curled in the pit of my stomach inviting the urge to turn and run. Inhaling deep to clear the unease I opened the gate closing it behind me with a soft click then cautiously approached the door disappearing into the dark entryway.