[MF] I drunkenly fucked my sorority girl gf loudly at a party.

This is a continuation of the “I slept with the hottest girl in the sorority” stories which you can check out on my profile. Also, this stuff happened, but it’s exaggerated for storytelling. Most of the dialogue is me remembering the meaning of what was actually said because this was about 5 years ago and I can’t remember exactly. Also, I do try and edit these, if some details don’t match up exactly it’s because I cut something that made the story too long.

Skip to FUN STUFF START HERE for the sex.

Just a funny interaction before the actual story, after Sarah and I hooked up the second time, I was talking to my housemate about how I took her out on a date. He said be careful with her, she was a tough nut to crack and that he had tried before giving up at the beginning of the semester. I just laughed at the look of shock on his face when I told him I had already fucked her twice.

[MF] I slept with the hottest girl in the sorority part 2

I’m glad people seem to be liking these posts. Check my profile for previous parts. For people who are curious for a comparison of what Sarah looks like, look up “Rachel Riley” from the British show countdown. Idk how tall Rachel Riley is but Sarah was probably around 5’10 and she had a dancer’s ass so in my memory she’s got more…features.

Long post again so just skip down to FUN STUFF STARTS HERE if you don’t want the background.

Anyways, following our first night together Sarah and I exchanged numbers and flirted a little over text. We really got along. Our sense of humor really meshed well, and we used to play these rhetorical games with each other, gently poking fun at one another and trying to one up the other’s last comment.

One day while I was working on campus, she walked in just before I was leaving to go to class. She was going to the library, and while it was slightly out of the way I offered to walk her over as I had 15 minutes to make it to my class.

[MF] I slept with the hottest girl from the sorority.

Heads up, this is a LONG post. I find the build up is important. So you can skip down to where I wrote “FUN STUFF BEGINS HERE”.

This is how I met, and subsequently slept with, my ex gf Sarah. You can also read the last time I slept with her, it’s on my profile. I apparently like to tell stories out of chronological order like I think I’m Quentin Tarantino writing pulp fiction or some shit, idk.

Back a couple years, when I was in university, I was in a fraternity. I was kinda an outlier from the douchey fratboy type, but if I’m being honest this time in my life was the closest I had come to the stereotype. I was a really tall but mostly awkward and oblivious guy when it came to women. Because of that I had made friends with some of the sorority girls. We got to talking and set up a sorority mixer that we’d hold at my place one friday before heading to the clubs.

It was supposed to be a toga party, but none of the girls showed up that way. Which was fine, we were just happy they showed. The guys were nearly all wearing their togas (made from bedsheets or blankets) myself included.

[MF] I accidentally fucked my ex in front her open window and her housemate[F] saw

Back a few years ago I had just gotten out of university, but due to a lot of personal/family issues, I spent my first summer after school at home helping out where I could. This lead to me being a bit cooped up and I decided/my friends convinced me to visit for a party that happened to be 4 days before my birthday.

Now when I was in university, my friends and I partied a lot. I wasn’t and have never been a playboy, but to say I was playboy adjacent would have been very accurate.

Anyways, I had met Sarah at a Toga party the previous year. She was stunning. Like out of my league gorgeous. Imagine a blonde bombshell with a girl next door vibe. The toga didn’t show off her breasts, but it hung nicely off of what was clearly a very nice and shapely ass. I later learned she was a dancer, and boy did it show. We had a short, but intense relationship, as I later learned was kind of her MO.