I can’t stop thinking about having a hard cock against my face

“I can’t stop thinking about having a hard cock against my face”

There was a noise several feet to his left, and he opened his eyes to see that Sandy was looking at him intently, chin propped on her interlaced fingers, her now-abandoned book now idly spayed between her propped elbows. Her swimsuit top was likewise abandoned beneath her, but she was (for now) still wearing her high-waisted bottoms, the ones she always wore on the first day of their summer interludes together.

“Oh? I hope you’ll share details with me.” Sandy finally prompted him.

Simon closed his eyes again, hands gesturing tentatively as he tried to bring his vision back into his mind’s eye to describe exactly.

“I.. want it to be slick with precum, so that it leaves it on the side of my face, and for the head to be just by my ear. I want to feel it’s warmth, and hardness against my face. The ridges of the blood vessels.”

“Don’t stop there” Sandy murmured, quieter, closer. “What do you want to do with that cock”

Poolside Summer Fun

It was the hottest day of the year, only about 1030 in the morning and already thirty degrees. Mark stepped onto the deck, closing the door to the kitchen behind him. It was Wednesday, and he had submitted the latest chapter of his book to his editor only a few hours ago, and was in need of a day off. And a beautiful day it was too. His sister Jennifer had stuck her head in his bedroom door that morning, letting him know that that evening she’d be going out after work. “It’s Erica’s birthday today, and we’re doing a dinner and spa night downtown. We’ll be back late, so don’t wait up for me. You were up too late last night anyways!” With a quick wave, she had closed the door, and Mark had rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, his duvet and sheets wrapped around him. Or at least tried to. With the sun pouring in through his south-facing window, he couldn’t. And so after an hour of trying or so, he got up and had begun his day, such as it was.