I (21 M) slept with the mother of one of the kids in my swim class

Several summers ago I worked in a summer camp as a lifeguard / camp counselor. It was a fairly large camp with about 100 kids and 15 counselors working in various areas. I worked with some great people, and smoking hot girls here, and did go onto sleep with one of them, but thats a story for another time. The camp was structured such that there were a few different areas – games, arts / crafts, and swimming. I was in charge of the pool part of the camp, and would run the swim classes.

The kids would get picked up each day so this was not an overnight camp, and this made for lots of parent / counselor interaction. The age of most kids was 4-10, so that put most of the moms picking up the kids at as young as 25 and as old as about 40. The camp was in a wealthy area and most of several of these women I'd respectfully describe as trophy wives.