How to spend an overnight layover [MF]

So, I reached out to an old flame via text, let’s call her, Emily, who I knew lived in the same state as the city I’d be stopping in for an overnight layover.

To be frank, I knew she didn’t live in my layover city but I was feeling horny and took a shot in the dark. She texted back. She wasn’t in my layover city but didn’t mind making the 2.5hr drive.


What began as just a mental fantasy was becoming enticingly real. I didn’t WANT to cheat on my LTR, but if memory served, Emily had TOP-TIER head, and who would know?

*Fuck it.*

“Meet me at X airport, I land at XX:XX.” I texted.

I gave her a few hours notice because I wanted her to pick me up from the airport when I LANDED so she needed to get an early jump on the drive once I touched down.

When I land, I’m giddy exiting the airport but I don’t let it show. I know I’m about to experience an intoxicating sexual release shortly. At the ground terminal she pulls up in something basic but tinted.