[MF] When in doubt, don’t risk the pullout

Here I am again, Day 2, the well is dry but the writers seat is hot and u/puriuh is once again convincing me through her lies and sweet talk that my writings are worth reading so here’s one of many many encounters I took part in as a result of a little website called okcupid. This ones a little dumber and less heated and intense but, what matters is that it happened and someone should know

**Online Dating – Circa 2013**
So before smartphones were booming, before Tinder became the app every other dating app wanted to copy, when online dating meant something man…(please read this heavy sarcasm because boy is online dating not the greatest, lol) there was a dating “site” called okcupid. First referred to me by a friend in college due to it being free and me being clueless about dating at the ripe age of 18, I had poked around and made an account a few times but ultimately never had much early luck, but (if you read my last story) as you know, 2013 was a blooming year for me sexually and okcupid was still a functional site where you could easily get to know and meet partners of all kinds.

[MF] You always remember your first mind blowing MILF

Inspired by my recent connection I’ve made with u/puriuh I have taken up sharing my sexploits in written form because this man hoe has seen some shit and been around the damn block. Sit the heck back and enjoy and hopefully someone gets turned on by this.

**The Preamble – Circa Winter 2013**
So, 22 year old me, was no more or less of a horny bag of heat than I am now, but definitely less wiser and maybe a tad naive, regardless, that was most definitely the age in which I blossomed sexually. From the moment I started noticing women romantically and sexually in my teens beyond just preferring bigger and curvier body types, I had begun to notice that older women often caught a certain fancy in my eye.

It was never any friends mothers weirdly enough (such a common trope, I know) maybe it was a few teachers, maybe it was just the fact that when you’re younger and discover porn, even when you’re 14, any girl you’ll see on cam is 18 and up everyone looks older, or maybe older mature women are just undervalued beauty and sex wise and I’m here to balance the equation, regardless, I have my preferences and 22 year old horny me was ready to seek them the fuck out.