Tindering whilst travelling around the world on a bicycle [MF]

About 5 years ago I found myself cycling solo around the world. To go into why or how I was doing this isn’t really for discussion here. Needless to say it was amazing and something which if you get the chance to do you should. There are numerous cycle blogs which talk about this that are far more eloquent than me if you want to know more about cycle touring.

There is one thing that all blogs leave out however; during a long (solo) bike trip you are in danger of being celibate and therefore really horny a lot of the time. For a start you’re 90% of the time in the countryside alone, and you’re moving approximately 100km a day most days. When you are near women a good rule of thumb is that they don’t find lycra and sweaty t-shirts to be sexy (I quickly bought a nice pair of shorts, and a semi-nice t-shirt) and finally a lot of women aren’t interested in a one night stand (I never lied to a woman and said I was an expat)