MF inc Our Trip to San Francisco

(another one for my “daughter” feel free to message/ chat me anytime if you want to talk or collab or RP)

The Fairmont, one of the nicest upscale hotels in San Francisco and we were standing in the lobby, waiting to check in.

People were staring at us as we waited in line. I don’t know if the looks were for me, unshaven, unkempt hair, my Death Saves shirt informing people of the awesomeness of Death Knights, jeans as old as the woman standing next to me or my well worn and comfortable tennis shoes or Nicole. Probably Nicole.

Because unlike me, she was stunning. Hair in twin braids dyed bright green, a leather jacket over a dress shirt, leather pencil skirt, long legs in thigh highs and two-inch heels that made her tower over most everyone and definitely over me.

We checked in and received our room keys, a bellman following us into the elevator pushing the cart with our luggage on it. I glanced back to see him eyeing up her cute ass as she walked. I really couldn’t blame him.

MF inc For my “daughter”

(My writing partner is convalescing after an accident, I wrote this for her, it was her prompt. Get well soon, N!)

I remember back when it first started.
I had made the trip cross country to visit Nicole at college and tell her I had proposed to Stephanie, my long-time girlfriend.
I had rented a cabin for the weekend, far out and secluded in the mountains, just to spend some time with her before her life and mine started being a bit more hectic.

We took a guide jeep to drive us, sitting side by side in the backseat, her slowly dozing off, leaning against my shoulder.
My little girl was growing up. We had always been close. We had no idea how close we were about to get.

Nicole: Pretty face, average sized breasts and lean body, most of her taller than average height came from your long, bare legs, smooth as glass and one of the first things men and women noticed about my daughter.

Me: Chubby bearded teddy bear of a man. My idea of dressing up was a t-shirt and jeans, old sneakers.