Tara’s Training Diary – Day Four [fantasy, FM, FF, D/s, group, oral, anal, free use, submissive]

**Day 4**

Now half a week into our training, we’re very much at ease in each other’s company – well, at least when it comes to fornication – when talking, we’re still somewhat shy with one another. Anyway, I’m very familiar with the bodies of my fellow lap dollies now, and they’ve all made themselves very familiar with mine. And even when the staff are not instructing us to fornicate, we all carry on touching and using each other freely.

Our status as lap dollies renders us powerless – the Abbey staff control us completely, and almost everything we do is done according to their bidding. We can’t even get up off our hands and knees unless they tell us. The only power left to us is over each other’s bodies, so whenever the staff leave us alone, we grope, caress and finger each other any way we want. The lads amongst us hump each other and us lasses whenever they feel like it. They also like kissing and fondling our breasts, which is something they don’t get to do when our instructrixes are overseeing our fornications. In turn, we lasses like rubbing our backsides on the lads’ faces. Our submission to each other is already a given, so each of us just puts up with whatever the others want to do.

Tara’s Training Diary – Day One, by Callovan [fantasy, light BDSM, FF]

*Day One*

Well, I’m here at last in the Abbey! Arrived around nine this morning – one of the Abbey’s instructrixes brought me here. I left Master Halyard’s house only wearing a simple translucent slip and a pair of soft shoes and nothing else – no stockings, knickers or bra. I wore no bracelets or anklets, nor rings on my fingers, let alone on my toes. Before leaving, I was also commanded to remove my nose ring, earrings and nipple rings, and I was told not to put on makeup and leave my hair hanging loose and unadorned. The instructrix led me through the streets by a cord tied around my wrists. Though the locals are certainly familiar with such sights, it didn’t mean I wasn’t myself feeling self-conscious – I’d even go as far as saying I was feeling as timid as a wee mousie. Those who saw me in the street smiled, but I couldn’t bring myself to look them in the eye. Thankfully, there weren’t that many folks about this morning to see me.

Tara’s Training Diary – Day Three, by Kay Callovan [fantasy, FM, FF, D/s, oral, rimming, pet play, free use, submissive]

*Here’s the next instalment of my latest story set on the lost continent of Lemuria*

**Day Three**

They tell me there are four houses of instruction in Follywell, but as far as I know, the Abbey is the only one that specialises in training lads and lasses to be household lap dollies. I know I chose this vocation, but I’m only now beginning to see what it actually means – amongst other things, it means surrendering everything I own and everything I’ve ever been. All the clothes and possessions I had with me when I first came to this town have now been given away – I have nothing now – I don’t even own myself any more. By entering the Abbey I’ve forgone all civic rights enjoyed by regular citizens, and instead, I’ve become communally owned property – and after three days of training that’s how I feel. I know that’s not a long time, but I’m certainly not the same lass I was when I arrived.

Tara’s training diary – Day Two, by Kay Callovan [fantasy, light BDSM, submissive, FM, anal, free use]

**Day Two**

The morning bell woke me. Though I knew at once where I was, it took a few moments to work out what was happening and what was expected from me. My head was foggy from sleep, and I couldn’t yet recall what we were supposed to do other than vacate our beds. I nearly stood up as I rolled off mine, but luckily I remembered just in time that standing was strictly forbidden. Instead, I crouched next to my bed. “Present yourselves, properly!” our guard yelled. He was staring angrily at me, though I’m sure the other inmates were as befuddled as myself. He then reminded us ‘properly’ meant kneeling by the iron bars at the front of our cages with our knees six inches apart and our hands held behind our heads.

“It’s not my work to tell you lot what to do, only to make sure you all do it,” the guard bellowed. He walked along the row of cages glaring at our naked bodies. When he started banging his paddled against the bars, I was worried he might start hitting us with it. He was right, of course – our two instructrixes had drilled us on our morning routine last night. But to be fair to us, it usually takes time for such things to become second nature.

Tara’s Training Diary – Day One, by Callovan [fantasy, light BDSM, FF]

*Day One*

Well, I’m here at last in the Abbey! Arrived around nine this morning – one of the Abbey’s instructrixes brought me here. I left Master Halyard’s house only wearing a simple translucent slip and a pair of soft shoes and nothing else – no stockings, knickers or bra. I wore no bracelets or anklets, nor rings on my fingers, let alone on my toes. Before leaving, I was also commanded to remove my nose ring, earrings and nipple rings, and I was told not to put on makeup and leave my hair hanging loose and unadorned. The instructrix led me through the streets by a cord tied around my wrists. Though the locals are certainly familiar with such sights, it didn’t mean I wasn’t myself feeling self-conscious – I’d even go as far as saying I was feeling as timid as a wee mousie. Those who saw me in the street smiled, but I couldn’t bring myself to look them in the eye. Thankfully, there weren’t that many folks about this morning to see me.

The Sluts of Wollenham: Chapter 2 [fantasy, beastfolk, satyrs, freeuse, anal]

**Chapter 2: Between Two Rivers**

(*[Read Chapter One here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hukjlq/the_sluts_of_wollenham_pt1_fantasy_beastfolk_anal/)*)

The wodewose is now making his final thrusts into Miss Blossom. Desiring a closer look, Miss Boo crawls forward – any concern she had for her friend has now given way to prurient curiosity and even titillation. Without thinking, she unbuttons her breaches and slips her hand inside. A moment later the beastman raises his head and his triumphant roar echoes throughout the glade. Boo shivers with excitement. It’s clear he’s ejaculating – even under his thick hairy pelt Boo sees his whole body convulse. After twelve more firm thrusts he relaxes, then withdraws his cock. He’s now finished with Blossom, and no longer having any interest in her, he strides off into the woods. Boo feels she should say something after him as he goes, but nothing comes to mind. She looks at her friend again. Breathing deeply, Blossom rests her forehead on the grass. Cum seeping from her rear end glistens in the sunlight. Turning her head a little, she looks at Boo. Embarrassed, Boo takes her hand out of her breaches, then says in a quiet voice “Very ill-mannered that fellow, walking off like that without a word.”

An Ordinary Day at the Library [Fantasy, Supernatural, Analingus]

At the circulation desk, Miss Prue shifts on her stool until she’s comfortable again. Since 10 am she’s dealt mainly with borrowings, returns and renewals – perhaps not tasks worthy of her station, but it’s a small library and she has precious few staff at her disposal. She doesn’t mind though – being stationed at the front of the house is an opportunity to see who’s reading what. And naturally, you can learn a lot about folk that way, especially when it comes to discerning their possible openness to the secret ways of the library. Miss Prue’s adept at spotting such potential – her high success rate proves it.

Take the lass now making her way to the desk – Miss Sandie of Barrow Lane. She’s one of the more likely candidates – if she shows one more positive sign, Miss Prue will broach the subject, and hopefully, conversion and initiation will soon follow. Miss Sandie’s reading choices certainly have been moving in the right direction. She began, as they so often do, with philosophy – a popular subject now days. It’s a good sign, but not too helpful in itself – armchair philosophers can go either way. But happily, the lass has progressed to mythology, ancient history, somatic alchemy, aeronautics and the like… yes, she’s reading like she’s onto something – maybe even pursuing the greater mysteries.

The Sluts of Wollenham (pt1) [fantasy, beastfolk, anal, MF]

One lass leads another through a wooded valley. The first, who goes by the name Blossom, is the taller of the two. Taking long strides, she makes her way with definite purpose. She might even have some idea where they’re are going. Her shorter, curly haired companion, known to everyone as Miss Boo, isn’t so sure. Both are town lasses, and any forest folk seeing them would consider them as such and nothing more. Blossom and Boo, themselves, would both disagree. Domestic life may have tamed them – or softened them, as the satyrs might say – but they still believe they retain some affinity with the wild places beyond the walls of Wollenham.

“Darling, I think you’re turning into some kind of fanatic,” Miss Boo tells her friend. “They say monomania is a sign of astral obsession – usually demonic.”

“Does it scare you?” Blossom replies, her eyes remaining fixed on the path up ahead.

“No not all – I’m only making an observation – to tell the truth, it’s fun seeing how far you’ll go.” Boo giggles.

“So you don’t disprove at all?”