Ghouls and the Good Doctor [F] [Fantasy] [EU] [Witcher] [Group] [Stretching] [Deepthroat]

Another pointless fight because of petty land squabbles. Another long night picking through the field, hoping that someone was still alive. Walking among the dying was an odd experience, but Shani was always hopeful. That’s what you had to be. Hope kept people going. Someone reached out to her but passed before she could even console them.

It was dreadfully gloomy, the chill settling in as the sun fled. The fog started to creep in. It would be the last sunset for a lot of these men. She was so lucky by comparison. How many more sunsets did she have in her? Shani crouched next to a man who didn’t appear to be bleeding or maimed. When she turned his head, she saw his puffy black face and caved in helmet and already knew he was dead.

If she could share the rest of her sunsets with all these men, she would.

She didn’t recognize the colors they wore, just knew that she had to help them. That’s what being a doctor was about. Shani didn’t worry herself with too much of the politics anyway. Right now that didn’t matter. She had to find someone to help first. It wasn’t like any of the other nurses were going to help her.

Yennefer and the Hog [F][EU][Fantasy][Witcher][Beast][Mindbreak]

She had seen plenty of pigs before and seen them in all their various stages between living and on the plate, but the one snorting in the pen was probably the biggest she’d ever seen. It was a bright pink slab of flesh waddling around, occasionally grunting and stomping. The animal was probably twice her weight, and wide enough for two of her. She felt a twinge of fear at the sight, knowing an agitated pig could strip flesh off bone as easily as a ghoul could.

Yennefer didn’t know why she was doing this.

“That right there is Squints, prized pig and winner of the Novigrad Livestock Festival,” said the farmer, who was a squat man with acne scars littering his face and a crooked smile from a snaggletooth. He was every bit as disgusting as someone in his position would be.


“Sounded cute when he was a lil’ piglet,” laughed the man. It was hard to imagine the massive hog as a small piglet. Squints glanced up toward Yennefer with watery eyes. His nose twitched and with a squeal, he ran his head against the gate. It shuddered under the blow and Squints stomped off, tossing his head.

As the Empress Wishes [F] [Fantasy] [EU] [Witcher] [Beast] [Horse] [Stretching]

The cool night air pricked Ciri’s skin. She shuddered underneath her excessive and restrictive dress. Truthfully, she hated the formality of the court and found the ‘elegant’ clothing to be quite the opposite. She understood why Geralt hated wearing stuff like this. Ciri longed for her younger years, with her simple pants and white tunic. Those were easier times. She missed the weight of a sword on her back, how it felt to swing a blade.

“Stay here.” She ordered her entourage. The Nilfgaardian soldiers shared a glance. She could barely make out the white of their eyes through their black helmets.

“As the Empress wishes.” One of them grunted. She strolled on toward the stables, leaving them to guard the gate. It took a while for the Black Ones to stop shadowing her when she first took charge. It was their duty to protect their Empress, after all. Only after many training days of knocking them down did they finally relent. She was worth a dozen of them herself.

Chp. 5 – To Bayreach [MF] [Fantasy] [Plot] [Anal] [Choking]

**Note: I’ve been writing this as a series and I’m gonna be adding chapters to the titles from now on. Lots of plot in this one which is why it took longer. Smut is in the comments as part 3 and 4, ’cause I wrote too much for Reddit. Enjoy!**

Slaver Shire Billows felt like a new man. He’d upgraded his whole set up. With the two thousand, seven hundred gold he had left, he’d managed to buy a sturdy steel cage wagon for his cargo. That had cost five hundred. He traded his horse for a bit more coin, bought two strong work horses instead, and still had a thousand gold left over. That coin he dispensed for the slaves, plucking them up as he made his way down south. Now, Shire was nearly at max capacity. He only had one more pick up before heading to Bayreach for his payment.

Yes, Shire felt great. On top of the world, even. No demon, no god, nothing could ruin this –

“The retard pissed herself again,” Venter snapped from behind. His mirth melted away.

“Then she’ll sit in it!” He barked over his shoulder.

“It smells bad.”

Beauty and the Beast [MF] [Fantasy] [Anthro] [Consensual]

There were no kings in the southern jungles, but Lord Admiral Yumi Trafammer was as close as it got. He had an army, an estate tucked away in the mountains, and a fleet that demanded taxes. Yumi couldn’t influence Bayreach, but he could strangle the jungle around it. He could strangle the ocean. They called him a tyrant and the Piranha of the South Seas.

Dvini hated his guts, and it took a lot to make him hate.

If Yumi was king, then Dvini was the duke, and the only reason he wasn’t squashed under Yumi’s boots was because of how close he stayed to Bayreach. Now that he was expanding, Yumi was a problem again. Dvini was flanked on either side by a pair of swashbuckling guards who walked with misplaced arrogance and chattered to themselves.

Yumi’s palace was constructed out of wood and clay, an ugly thing with more than two dozen rooms and a wide tropical garden. They walked past curved palm trees and squat slaves toiling away at the soil. They glanced up at Dvini as he passed, fear in their eyes. They weren’t his, but they’d heard their own stories about the Licani slaver who cut his competition to ribbons. Dvini didn’t pay attention to them.

Spiderlings and Motherhood [FF] [Fantasy] [Anthro] [Oviposition] [Inflation] [Breeding] [Birthing] [Mindbreak]

Giladi brought her sword down hard on the spider’s head, splitting it down the middle in a spray of green ichor. It teetered on its spindly legs before falling with a crunch. She would have liked for that to be the end of it, but two more of the blue bastards were crawling towards her, front legs raised and mandibles clicking.

They leapt toward her at the same time. She rushed the one to her right, slicing through it and spilling more guts onto her face and torso as its two parts flopped past her. The other caught itself, skittered to a stop, and turned just in time for the tip of her sword to find shelter in its sternum. It twitched as it died. The calm of the forest fell over her, the rustle of leaves returning.

She wrenched her sword out of its corpse and squat down to look at it. It was a Hunter Spider alright, about the size of a dog. Giladi lifted its head to spy the nasty fangs tucked underneath. Hunter Spiders weren’t the most lethal, but they didn’t need to be. Just a splash of their venom could paralyze a minotaur. It was also an important ingredient to more than a dozen alchemic tonics.

Minotaurs and the Mercenary [MF] [Fantasy] [Inflation] [Breeding] [Anthro] [Noncon]

When Shire finally retired from the army, he thought he’d end up back home in the countryside. He always wanted to be a baker. There were a lot of nights out on campaigns when he was wrapped in a blanket half-starved, and he could remember the feeling of relief that came with the rations. Even when you were miserable, a stale chunk of bread and some cold water reminded you of being alive. Shire wanted to give people that same feeling. He even read a few cookbooks at the end of his twenty-year career, smuggling them off some corpses after the Siege of Yawn.

What no one told you was how fucking boring the world was without war. Twenty years in the field and Shire hadn’t risen above Sergeant. Sergeant Shire Billows of the Royal Yulin Army, the perfect example of how to simultaneously do nothing and everything while serving the King. Shire was convinced that most of life was ninety-percent waiting, but at least in war you had those flashes of being alive. Of *living*.

The Feeling of Gold [MF] [Fantasy] [Bondage] [Non con]

The moans of pleasure were just a little louder than the whimpers of pain, and that’s how Dvini liked it. He stalked down the hallway, putting the sounds of debauchery behind him. A pair of squat, square-faced Dwarf guards nodded at him as he passed. They spun their cudgels which they kept just in case a slave broke loose. It didn’t happen often, but it was better to be safe.

Dvini hated losing a profit.

The cool air of the slave dungeons gave way to the muggy heat of the southern jungle as Dvini stepped outside. Short, shabby wooden buildings rose around him in lopsided tiers. The sounds of commerce and coin pricked his ears. Seagulls cawed overhead. Somewhere, far off, he heard the bell ringing, declaring that a large ship was entering port.

He had a meeting and shouldered his way into the crowd. Being a Licani, he stood out because of his extreme height. People craned their necks to look at him. The Dwarves and half-breeds didn’t even bother.