In the Bathroom After the Show [MF] [Goth] [Oral] [Creampie] [Semi-public]

***Some quick flash-fiction to get back into the groove.***

Sweat dripped off Erik’s face, and he wiped himself down with a towel while the band played him off. The bar stank of cheap beer and BO, but his adrenaline was high. He was on top of the world, head throbbing from the dominating bass line, hand shaking from where he had played the final crescendo so hard he snapped his guitar strings. With a toss of his sandy hair, he turned to the crowd for one final, triumphant fist pump.

Half the room cheered, which was better than usual.

He planned to ride this high for the rest of the evening and tried to ignore how uncomfortable his jeans were after playing for two hours. With a shared nod to his drummer, he swiped a beer off a speaker, and made his way to the bar.

“Nice show,”

“Good job, dude!”

“How long you been playing, son?”

Faces, sober white and drunk pink, came to ask him questions about the show. Erik answered quickly, talking to a few of the girls for longer than he should have. He was fucking thirsty and was finished with his beer by the time he wedged himself into a free spot at the bar.

The Teacher’s Emo Slut: Pt. 2 [MF] [Teen] [Teacher] [Kissing] [Rough] [Drugs] [Creampie] [Older man, younger woman]

Abbie turned to the side, moving around so that the shadow of her phone stopped getting in the way of her selfie. She turned the other way, dressed in bright red, lacy lingerie. It was complete with thigh-high stockings, garters, and decorative bra. Her black hair was done up in short ponytails, and she wore her piercings with blood red lipstick.

“Fucking light,” grumbled Abbie, turning again because this angle showed off her legs and her ass when she stuck her ass out, but the shadow covered her face. Abbie lifted her phone high and, satisfied with the image, pursed her lips and stuck a hand on her hip. She snapped half a dozen of the sexy selfies.

Abbie looked through them, seeing which of the identical pictures were the best. She chose the third one after five minutes and deleted the rest. Her reflection stared back at her in the mirror, thin and petite. Abbie quickly texted Mr. Harris the picture with a little tagline and kissing emoji: **here u go daddy**.

She fell back on her bed, a dumb little smile on her face and leg dangling. Abbie waited for the response, heart fluttering as the three dots appeared in the app. Already she felt warm.

The Werewolf: Part 1 – Yennefer [EU] [Witcher] [Fantasy] [Beast] [Anthro] [Anal] [Creampie]

**Author’s note: Holidays are almost over, time to be productive again. If you haven’t seen Netflix’s** ***The Witcher*** **yet, it’s pretty good! Here’s me bastardizing more of that!**

Volodimyr blinked away the harsh torch light, shaking in terror. He’d pissed himself an hour ago and his crotch was still moist. The dingy, windowless dungeon closed in around him. He didn’t have a shirt, having lost it in the woods the night before. Volodimyr shrunk away from the figure in his cell with him, tugging on the manacles that tied his wrists to the table.

A pair of gold eyes, pupils cut like a snakes, stared at him.

The Witcher was picking at his teeth with a fingernail, features annoyed. His right arm was bandaged up, held against his chest. On the table were two short swords, one silver, one steel. The light reflected along their lengths. Next to those was a small wooden cup.

“Still haven’t drunk that, huh?” The bald Witcher asked. Volodimyr shook his head. “Why not?”

Volodimyr could only utter a squeak through quivering lips.

“I really don’t want to have to force you to drink it.”

The Teacher’s Emo Slut [MF] [Teen] [Teacher] [Kissing] [Creampie] [Drugs] [Older man, younger woman]

Abbie grabbed her tits through her tight blue dress, giving them a squeeze. She turned, staring at the curve of her ass in the mirror and the shape of her legs in her heels. Her forearms were covered in bracelets and bands. She had a nose and lip piercing, eyes cast with dark mascara, short, messy hair coming to her shoulders and freshly dyed black. Even though the school had warned her, she wore fishnet leggings anyway. What, were they going to kick her out? Her senior year?

She could hear the music bumping through the hallway. This year’s prom theme was “Under the Sea,” which was the same theme it had been last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. The student committees never got much more creative with their ideas. Abbie was alone in the bathroom; the other girls having rushed back to the dance floor.

For some, being a senior without a date to the prom was embarrassing. To make it through four years of bullshit only to not get *someone* to pretend to like you for a night? Seemed pathetic. Abbie was fine with it. Her best friend, a tall, lanky goth dude named Brian, had asked her to go as friends, but he insisted on wearing his “tail,” so she shot him down. He was a little *too* eccentric, even for her. And for rural Minnesota, Abbie was already too weird.

The Witcher, the Sorceress, and the Hound [EU] [Witcher] [Fantasy] [Beast] [Knotting] [Kissing] [Oral] [Facefuck]

Wix leaned in the chair so that it stood on its two back legs. His feet were kicked up on the fancy, varnished table. It was pretty nice as far as tables went. Nice wood, engraved with the crest of Nilfgaard. Some mud stuck to the heel of his boot smeared. He shoveled spoonfuls of vegetable soup into his mouth. A guard stared at him with disdain.

What a time it had been, working for the Child of Destiny. What a time it was, listening to her fuck the shit out of those two Sorceresses. It seemed that Cirilla split her time between legislation and leisure. Fine with him, as long as he got paid.

No one in the palace seemed to acknowledge the Queen’s lecherous hobbies. Guards brought her out to the stables and returned with her flustered and ragged. They never said anything. No matter how many remarks Wix made, they never rose to the occasion. It was easier to talk to a wraith than these men. Wix knew that from experience.

He smiled at the frowning guard. “Nice night, eh?”

Shani and the Fiend [EU] [Witcher] [Fantasy] [Anal] [Stretching] [Inflation] [Excess cum] [Monster] [Mindbreak]

Shani woke up to the familiar feeling of the hard ground. She fumbled in the dark for a bit. How long had she spent in this cave? Days? Weeks? Time blurred together in her head, then it was smothered by the dark. It was hard to remember what the sun was like, the warmth on her skin.

Her fingers brushed over raw bone, causing some to clatter.

As a doctor, she’d never been squeamish about corpses or the body. As a captive, she felt nothing anymore. Pawing over some scraps, she eventually found the waterskin that had been left there for her. Its contents were stale but welcomed. Shani was sore. She was always sore nowadays.

Shani leaned against a rock, legs open. A cool breeze blew in from somewhere. She never bothered finding out where from. Even if she could have located the exit, she didn’t think that she would make a run for it. One time she tried, the first night she had been dragged here after being used by the Ghouls. She had paid dearly for that, stretched around the Fiends cock for hours.

A Night With the Roommate’s Dog [F] [Masturbation] [Oral] [Beast] [Knotting] [Creampie]

Shana stumbled back into her dorm, a little too drunk and a little too mad. She had fumbled with the keycard for a good ten minutes before someone had to help her with it. Fucking things only worked half the time. What was she paying tuition for? Bunch of bullshit is what it was.

The door locked behind her, a safety feature implemented after some attempted assaults last year and one homeless guy just walking in. Shana fumbled for the light switch, absently slapping the wall and cursing the whole time. She finally found it and slapped the lights on. Shana was alone in her dorm. The two roommates she shared the building with were gone for winter break, leaving yesterday when it started. She had stayed behind a bit longer.

Like an *idiot*.

She threw her purse onto the communal couch before leaning on the kitchen counter. Shana tried – and failed – to blink away the spins. Not much help it was. She staggered over to the fridge, knowing there was a water filter in there. Her heels clacked against the tile floor and the noise hurt her ears.

Stripping at the Bachelorette Party [MF] [Stripping] [Group] [Oral] [Facial] [Cheating]

Tommy burst into the changing room. His bare chest glistened with sweat, a painful glare from the incandescent lights outlining his muscles. He wore a golden speedo that left nothing to the imagination. A wide grin split his face, eyes even wider. He ran his hand through his spiked, out-of-style hair. Tommy looked like Guy Fieri if he went on a bodybuilder training regimen.

“Holy fucking Christ, they’re wild out there! One girl, red blouse, black skirt, looked like an Instagram model and sucked me like it was the last dick she was ever gonna get!” He sauntered in, grinning like a mad idiot. Bryce frowned, doing his best to ignore his insane co-star.

He could hear the chatter of the crowd, through the thin walls of the changing room. When Tommy had been out there it was a drone of screams and hoots. When Bryce first started this all-touching male stripper gig, he used to get headaches from the raw madness of a horny female crowd.

Whoever thought women weren’t filthy perverts was an idiot. Women were just a different kind of pervert than men. They acted like degenerates in private where men did it in public. Everyone was a pervert.

Dan and the Cultists [Fallout] [EU] [Sci-fi][Voyeurism] [Handjob] [Inflation] [Stretching] [Excess Cum]

**Author note: Oof didn’t mean to take this long.**

Tom sat at the bar, head down, drink in his hand. He was asleep. The sun shone through the widows, and townspeople shifted around him. Most assumed he was a drunk, or a drifter from his dirty clothes and sullied boots. No use bothering one of those. Plenty of drunks wandered out into the wasteland never to be seen again. Tom had taken one sip of ‘whiskey’ before falling asleep.

Someone kicked his stool, waking him with a start. He was exhausted, both from running for his life last night and dodging raider crews in the dark with a half-naked Alli. Tom looked around to see a big meathead of a man staring down at him. He must have been twice as wide as Tom, bulging with muscles and wearing a wide brimmed brown hat. Nice hat.

“What do you want?” Tom grumbled, still groggy from his short nap.

“Don’t need some drunk in my seat.” Meathead grunted.

“Your seat?”


“Oh yeah, well where’s your name on it?” Tom sneered. Meathead ushered him to sit up, which he obliged only to find a crude name carved in with a knife: TIM.

Yennefer and the Griffin [Witcher] [EU] [Fantasy] [Beast] [Stretching] [Inflation] [Excess cum]

Yennefer had done a lot of dangerous things in her life and always made it out in one piece. She was one of the most accomplished Sorceresses in the world for a reason. As she crawled over lumpy rocks however, she was beginning to realize how dangerous this was. Dangerous and stupid, with much more of the letter.

*What the fuck am I doing?* Yennefer stopped to look out over the ocean. Mainland Skellige was visible from the remote island, a distant amalgamation of rocks. If she squinted hard enough, she thought she could see merchants whipping their oxen forward. A sea breeze tussled her tar black hair and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Yes, what *was* she doing?

Yennefer continued her ascent, careful not to slip. One misstep and she’d break her ankle, and that could very easily spell the end of her. What a humiliating way to die that would be. The island was more grey than green, mostly made of the shale rock common in the Skellige archipelago and less grass and foliage. Occasionally a rogue bush would weasel its way through, and there was a small copse of trees up ahead she intended to rest at.