A Revenant Nostalgia

“You want some of this?” I reached out to her, offering the bottle of straight dark rum, my voice strained through the burning caramel stinging in my throat. She looked over at her husband who paid us no mind, seemingly wrapped up in the view of the lake. Turning back to me, she shrugged and a sly smile came across her face that said, “Why not?”

There was late to a party, and then there was my unpunctuality, evident immediately upon arrival. Having to park my car down the bottom of the driveway and walk a few minutes to reach the summer house, I carried a bottle of rum in each hand by way of an apology. I crunched steadily up the gravel path in the dying heat of the day, drawn to the glowing lights and growing burble of happy conversations as yet out of view. I hadn’t expected to be back in town this weekend and bumping into old friends on the High St had been a welcome surprise, doubly so when they’d invited me to join their party tonight. I stepped through the door, greeted by a small cheer and a procession of hugs, trading the humid air for the warmth of familiar faces and the welcome of new introductions. I handed one bottle of rum to a friend and dug my nails into the foil of the other, rewarded with a pop as I worked the stopper cork free. I walked out to the patio and threw it into the lake with a flourish. We’d never been the group to finish the night with unfinished bottles. That’s when I caught my first glance of her for a long time. Maybe it was the moonlight, or the revenant haze of nostalgia, but she practically glowed. We made eye contact and I winked before turning back to my friends. Something told me we’d be chatting before long.

A Lesson to be Learned [MF] [BDSM] [Discipline] [Spanking] [Choking]

I’m rearranging and checking the tools on the bed for the 13th time when I hear a knock on the hotel room door. It’s not that I’m nervous. I want everything to go perfectly this afternoon. I’ve got such plans for you, and to be frank you’ve earned all of this. The pleasure and the pain. I finish fiddling with the toys and check myself in the mirror, smoothing down my tie, making sure my shirt is tucked in and my hair is under control. I open the door to see you standing there looking nervous but gorgeous in your black dress with the flower prints. Around your neck is a delicate red ribbon with a small ruby heart pendant on it. To most who see it it’s a sweet piece of jewellery. To us it’s a symbol of our relationship. You are my submissive who wears the badge of ownership of her Dom openly for all to see. 

Thank you, Sir [MF] [BDSM] [Domination] [Blindfold] [Tied-Up] [Spanking] [Face-Fucking] [Fucking] [Positive Reinforcement] [Name Calling] [Longish]

This is a sequel to [A Different Kind of Introduction, found here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/aiq13b/a_different_kind_of_introduction_mf_bdsm_choking/) You don’t need to read it for this, but it’s in the same vein.

It’s been a couple of weeks since our first encounter. It’s been a blur of dirty messages, dirtier voice messages, pictures, and promises of fun yet to come. Finally though, we get to an evening we can see each other again. You make your way to the hotel, and as instructed by my messages to you, you go to the front desk and ask for a key to the room in my name. You get into the elevator and take a breath as the doors close, gaining some control on your nerves and nervous excitement. The ride up is excruciatingly slow, anticipation making you smile to yourself, trying hard to play it cool. Double checking the room number, you step out into the corridor and begin searching. Eventually you come to the end of the corridor and find right room. You slide the key card in, the little light flashes green. You take a breath, place your hand on the handle, and step in.

A Different kind of Introduction [MF] [BDSM] [Choking] [Hair pulling] [Spanking] [Positive Reinforcement] [Name Calling] [Begging] [Longish]

It’s a wet spring evening out on the street, the on/off English drizzle giving everything outside a shine in the lazy orange street lights. I’m sat at the hotel bar, looking across and out the ceiling high window, idly scrolling through my phone and waiting for you to arrive. I’ve not been here long, but the anticipation is building inside me. Even though we’ve been sharing messages online for a while now, this will be our first face to face meeting. I’m on my barstool wearing a shirt and trousers, hair swept back, a light scent of cologne around me, when the bartender comes to ask me for my order. I’m hesitant initially, should I wait? Eventually I decide on an Old Fashioned, just to steady the nerves, simultaneously hoping you’ll arrive before it does.