Are you sure no one can see us? [M/Fb] [voyarism]

The one thing to understand about my boyfriend, Kit and I is that we both love risk. From going crazy fast in my car down the freeway to saving money to go skydiving, we absolutely love the thrill of something happening or someone catching us. Before you ask however, yes this enjoyment of thrill goes into the bedroom. Ever since highschool our escapades have been getting more and more risky. It’s almost like we are trying to one up ourselves each and every time.

Sometimes I have to be the voice of reason in our relationship and then often get caught up in one of his crazy new ideas. My problem is I can never say no to him, he has gorgeous blue eyes that can sway me in any direction. Soft, short blue curly hair that sits on his head like cotton candy and a soft pale face with rounded glasses that I can never stop looking at. He only stands at 5’2 but has more confidence than anyone I know. However, I never would’ve expected him to be as kinky as he is but I suppose it’s a win for me.