My first ever post on Reddit:

I slumped down in my chair as I finally submitted my project to the Political Science professor here as Stetson, then looked across the room to my partner and best friend. She was a stunning woman just a year younger than me, bright red hair and pale skin. I moved my eyes past her freckled face and circular rimmed glasses, down towards her somewhat plump chest, then further towards the nether regions I so badly wished to see. I darted my eyes up to hers, which stared back at me. “Do you think we’ll pass?” She questioned, I responded worriedly. “We better, for all that damn work we put in.” She glanced towards the clock, it read 1:30 AM. “What do we do now?” She asked in a bored tone. “Well I can drive you to your dorm, unless uh. Well unless you maybe wanna stay here?” I began to inquire back, she giggled then spoke up again. “Ooh, with a boy? Sure I’d love too, I just don’t have a change of clothes or anything” Trying my best to sound confident I answered back. “You’ll be fine, if anything something I have may kind of fit you.” It wouldn’t “The only issue is a place to sleep, I have a spare bed set but just the one bed.” She looked past me towards the bed before speaking. “It is a queen. I mean, we could both fit. Of course, um if that’s cool with you and all. I mean I don’t want to intrude or anything-” I cut her off. “That will work perfectly.” She smiled “Awesome, cool. Well I’m going to hop in the shower if you don’t mind.” I got her a towel and some very baggy clothes to wear.