Daybreak III: Sticking A Neck Out [M48/F21] [noncon,vampire]

Peter peered over the wall to see a small compound, illuminated by the dark blue sky of the early morning. They were in the middle of a desert, but it was the perfect place for the vampires to hide. Turning his attention to Red, he spotted the masked woman loading silver bullets into a rifle magazine, her hood obscuring any details. A tuft of red hair popped out beneath hiding.

“Sure this is it?” Peter whispered.

“Yup,” Red muttered in response.

“So… listen, um… I’m sorry, but I still can’t grasp this situation.”

“I understand. It’s difficult for you to accept the truth, but this is it: your girlfriend’s been targeted by a vampire. He’s had Allyson in his sights and wants her.”

“Want her? What for?”

“Carnal pleasures of the flesh. That’s why he didn’t kill her, not anyways. He’s had plans for her.”

“What kind of plans?” His heart ached a little. They’d been forced to wait all night for the vampires to rest once more. He hated to imagine what Valko had been doing with Allyson this whole time.

Daybreak II: The Taking [M48/F21] [noncon,vampire]

His lips tasted her neck as he caressed her in his arms. She was so delicious, and he wanted her more than he had wanted anyone before. With a grin, he bore his fangs and buried them into her soft, warm neck. He penetrated her, driving deep inside of her…

Allyson woke with a gasp, quickly sitting up in bed, and catching her breath. Peter stirred next to her, also walking up to see her in distress.

“Ally?” Peter held his girlfriend in his arms. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

“I…” Allyson took a deep breath. “It’s ok. It’s just a dream.” Allyson lay her head against Peter’s chest, rubbing her bare feet against his legs. Peter rubbed her shoulders, kissing her cheek softly. “I keep having this nightmare. That I’ll lose all control and…”

“You know I’ll never let that happen.” Peter moved down to her neck, his kisses comforting Allyson as she hugged him tightly.

“I know. And that’s why I love you.” Allyson nuzzled her forehead against Peter’s. “I think I just need some water… I’ll be right back.”

“Sure thing, hon.” Peter let go of Allyson’s hand, and as she walked into the hallway, she vanished into the darkness.

Daybreak I: A Strange Night [M48/F21] [noncon,vampire]

A young woman laughed as she took a shot, her friends giggling to themselves. It was odd to be together yet alone as well. Hungry eyes looked upon her raven hair, her fair throat showing through. A serpentine tongue licked a pair of fangs. She was the one. A cold soul began to stride to her when a shoulder bumped his.

“Sorry,” a bright smile greeted him. Freckles on her face and shoulders, her arm intertwined with her boyfriend’s as they headed to a private room in the back. No… This one was the one.

“Man…” Allyson sighed as she kicked the heels off of her feet, tidying up her pink dress. “I think I’ve had a little too much to drink.”

“You tell me…” slurred a little. “One shot and I can’t drive back home…” He lay back, exhausted.

“Well… At least we had fun. Didn’t you?” Allyson glanced down to find her boyfriend fast asleep. “Hmmm… So did I…” she said to herself, laying beside him. She nuzzled his face with hers, whispering as she kissed his forehead. “You’re the best boyfriend ever…”