Will and June spend the night [mf] (fiction, gentle femdom, breast worship, adult nursing, blowjob, sleeping)

Will crawled into bed next to June. She was looking at something on her phone, her head propped up with a pillow against the headboard. She glanced over at him with a slight smile.


He smiled back warmly and pulled the covers up to his neck. She gestured at her phone with a grin.

“Looks like your video is doing well.”

He blushed slightly.

She swiped with her thumb to scroll through the comments, reading in a playful tone.

“*He’s so cute o-m-g.*”

He glanced away and sighed a little.

“Is that one from a guy or a girl?”


She tapped the screen.

“Looks to be a girl, mister.”

He didn’t know what to say.

She turned to him.

“Does it feel weird to know guys are watching you do *this*?”

He shrugged.

“I try not to think about it, I guess.”

She giggled and looked back at the screen, swiping her finger. She put on an exaggerated male voice.

“*Suffocate me, mommy… sorry mommy…*”


She grinned at him.

“I didn’t know you were into the *mommy* thing…”

Will and Elly [mf] (fiction, femdom, handjob)

Will looked down at his shoes as he made his way along the sidewalk. Grass poked up between the cracks at irregular intervals. He unconsciously avoided it with his feet.

He took out his phone to check the time. It was late afternoon. He was feeling a little down.

He rounded the corner to the alley and walked towards the brick building at the far end. To his right, a man in an apron sat on an upside-down bucket next to an open doorway. He was smoking and staring absently at his phone. Will smelled spices and heard bustling inside—a restaurant kitchen preparing ingredients for the evening’s service. The man glanced up at him in acknowledgment before looking back into his phone, exhaling a plume of smoke out his nose pensively.

The alley was fairly narrow and lined with various loading docks and utility doors, paved with old, sunken cobblestones. A few familiar cars sat parked in their usual spots.

Will came to the end of the alley and looked up at the building. It was three stories tall and rather narrow, resembling one huge brick on its side.

He punched a combination into the keypad and shouldered open the heavy door.

Will meets the painter (part 1) [mf] (fiction, mild, gentle femdom, drugs)

Camille gestured with her hand in a circular motion

“Turn around and face the wall.”

Will looked confused.

“Just do it.”

He shrugged and repositioned himself on the couch accordingly. His eyes scanned the numerous pictures pinned to the wall. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to their contents or placement. Many had frayed edges as though they’d been torn out hastily. He cleared his throat to speak.

“Have you been here for a while?”

He studied the bright, Day-Glo colors of the print closest to him. An image of a swimming pool under a cloudless desert sky looked back at him. There was something uncanny about it. He read the text printed across the bottom.

“*David Hockney*.”

The picture wasn’t exactly level. There was handwriting scrawled illegibly in the white border, and what looked to be thumbprints of smeared paint on the tacks in the corners.

“Yeah, several years now.”

She got up, walked to the bookshelf and plucked a large hardcover from a row of books, leaving an empty gap where it had been.

“The location isn’t great, kinda out in the sticks, but I like the light… and the building cost practically nothing.”

Will’s first scene [mf] (fiction, gentle femdom, ass worship)

First chapter [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rvmzyg/hired_by_the_gentle_femdom_channel_mf_fiction/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).

Chloe walked over to the table and picked up a cherry from the bowl. She popped it into her mouth, plucking the stem with her fingers as she held it in her teeth.

“Would you like some?”

Will nodded and walked over. He selected a cherry of his own and ate it similarly.

“Pretty good, right?”

She pulled the pit from her mouth, tossing it in a little silver dish unceremoniously.

“Yeah, nice.”

He tossed the pit in the dish.

“Get on your knees behind me.”

His breath became shallow for a second. He nodded obediently and began to kneel.

Elly’s voice came from behind the camera.

“Would you like a pillow?”

“Yes, thanks.”

She tossed him one from the couch nearby. He dropped it on the black reflective tile and knelt down on top.


She was eating another cherry.

He scooched forward until she was an arm’s reach away. Her pants were patterned and loose-fitting below the hip. He could easily make out the curves of her cheeks where her legs came together. He suddenly felt quite awkward.

Hired by the gentle femdom channel [mf] (fiction, gentle femdom, ass worship)

“So typically what we’re looking for is an authentic dynamic between performers…”

Will was focusing his eyes on the bridge of Elly’s glasses, intent on not letting his gaze slip down again.

“… we find those videos do best on the channel. That’s why we have the application process set up like this.”

She gestured at the iPad on the desk in front of her and he glanced down in acknowledgment. He saw his picture in the corner of the screen. He couldn’t make out the text in the chart below.

“You might’ve assumed this because we scheduled you to come back, but you *have* been accepted into the program.”

Will sat a little more upright in his seat. He smiled and nodded, attempting to conceal boyish excitement.

“So, after the intake process, we emailed the forms around to see who’d like to work with you and…”

Elly pressed a button on the screen. A window popped up with pictures of his penis from several angles. In the photos, fine hands with painted fingernails held up a measuring tape for scale.

“Whoops… hah.”

She quickly reached to close out the window.

Her eyes on my body [mf] (non-fiction, gentle femdom)

I used to have a partner who liked to watch me masturbate over video chat. Her eyes would light up carnally as she watched me expose myself at her instruction. My cock would grow and throb on cam from her attention alone. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. I loved every second of it.

She’d lick her lips unconsciously. Her eyes would pan back and forth as she studied my body intently. Her eyebrows would furrow with concerned affection as my cock twitched, releasing a heavy droplet of precum.

She’d quietly offer unsolicited complements in a hushed tone so her roommates couldn’t hear. Sometimes I’d just see her typing if it was too late to talk. The message would appear on my screen and my eyes would devour it, reading it over and over in amazement that it came from such a pretty girl. She was so fucking vulgar in the warmest way possible.

“Your balls look very full today.”

My heart would flutter.

Sometimes she’d be hilariously lighthearted.

“Squeeze from the base to the tip like a tube of toothpaste, make the precum come out… ugh I want to suck that out of you.”