Finally letting go… (MF)

It’s the night before your trip.

I’ve washed and packed your clothes. You double check behind me. You’ve packed your grooming kit. I double check behind you. Together we pack snacks, your back pack and small trinkets to keep you from being bored. Then we check everything again. Finally having appease our collective OCD tendencies, we have to admit….

You’re ready….

Next we have a quick dinner and a long hot relaxing shower. No sex, no talking even. Just smiling, washing each other and a kiss here and there.

We crawl into bed soon after and automatically move to center. The tv is on, casting shadows throughout the room. Every now and then, the frame is bright enough that I can see your face clearly. I etch closer. You do the same.

“I’m gonna miss you so much honey.”
“I’m gonna miss you so much baby.”

We snicker as the words tumble out at the same time.

We move closer.

The tv light shines across my face, exposing my unshed tears. You draw me into your arms. I move inside your hug. Soaking up the strength and protection it never fails to provide.