[M] I have no idea how guys here do it. How do you get laid? Girls my age typically want handsome, tall, and hung.

I’m 19. I’m only 5’5 tall. Already fucked. I’m ugly. I’m fat (to me losing weight will be a waste of time if it doesn’t get me laid). To top it all off I have a small dick, 5 inches. Everyone I know is younger than me and not a virgin. They’re so open about it. Meanwhile I’m 19 and can’t get anything from a girl except a nasty ass look.

If you looked at my post history you would think I’m a complete weirdo. People keep telling me to be confident and just talk to girls, but girls I know will literally look at a guy and say “Oh, he’s cute!” and start talking to him just because of that. I have NEVER had that experience.

I get so nervous being next to a group of girls that my heart pumps weirdly. I avoid all eye contact or else I might have a panic attack right there. I feel like ever since I was little people look at me because I’m disgustingly ugly.

[M] How much does size and height matter for college sex? Is it true I need to be tall, dark, and hung to get laid?

Every post from a college girl here shows they only want tall, hung guys. I have no idea how to talk to a girl and reading these posts make me self-conscious as fuck. How the fuck am I supposed to be “confident” when these girls are saying average dick size isn’t even good enough? Stop fucking lying to me, average is not 5 inches. You can’t live in this life unless you have 7 inches and act like a douchebag, which alot of college girls love. If only I was taller and had a bigger dick, maybe I wouldn’t be body dysmorphic.