Alone with Hope, my hot Japanese neighbor [FM]

Prequel stories all available on my profile.


After a crazy holiday weekend, my work travels felt boring. I couldn’t stop thinking about Hope and what Thursday night would bring. I edged myself each night in the hotel, hoping to save up a huge load for her. It was easy to do – Hope is beautiful. Hope kind of looks like this:

So Thursday rolls around and I’m able to catch an earlier flight home. I got to my house around 3 pm. I took some time to clean it up for my visitors, especially the guest room. I grabbed some beer and a bottle of wine and started chilling them. I was beyond excited and still a little shocked that Ben and Hope turned out to be like they are. I was wondering if it was me that unlocked this or if there was some other history.

Cul de sac fun part 3 – more from Memorial Day weekend [MFM] ]MF]

Previous stories available on my profile.

After the fun with Hope from Saturday night, Sunday was kind of a blur. The hangover was in full effect. Rachel and I woke up around 10 am. We laid in bed with the windows open, listening to the sounds of the neighborhood. It was gonna be another hot one and I contemplated turning on the AC, but figured I’d wait it out a few days since the pool is always so refreshing.

Rachel turned towards me and said “well that was fun wasn’t it?”. I chuckled and smiled, replying with a hearty “yes.” We recounted the concern when I creampied Hope and ultimate relief. Rachel said “that was pretty evil, yet pretty hot. I’ve always wondered how the people who are into breeding handle that, but now I kind of want to know more.” Of course, Rachel was beyond the age for breeding, but I wasn’t!

I admitted to Rachel I did feel pretty bad for what we did to Ben, considering I was new to the neighborhood. Rachel shooshed me and said “it was all Hope’s call.” You just did what any red blooded drunk male would do!

[FMF] More cul de sac fun with Rachel and a new friend

I apologize in advance. This one has a long lead AND a long story. Feel free to skip to the dashes.

My experience in the cul-de-sac picks up three to four weeks later. It was Memorial Day weekend and it was actually a hotter weekend than normal for our area. Rachel was coming down for the weekend again and she was not bringing her cuck boyfriend so that was good.

I was traveling the week before and my travels back home on Friday we’re less than ideal so I did not get home to my driveway until maybe 7:00 or 8:00 pm. I don’t remember exactly. When I hit the garage door to go up I saw that Rachel’s car was already there.

As I walked out to the mailbox I noticed that my friendly Italian neighbors were packed up and ready to head out for the weekend. I guess I wouldn’t see them until Monday evening but that’s OK – it’s a long summer. I had opened up my pool the previous weekend so I was going to invite anybody who was around over for one of the hot days

Hot tub fun with Rachel [MF]

To see some backstory on Rachel, there are a variety of gonewildstories on my profile

Rachel’s body type .. … although her legs are thicker.

This occurs the same summer that I was Rachel’s bull and she used me for dick shaming her boyfriend now and then.

Fun stuff starts at the dashes –

For now, a little background is needed on where I lived, etc. I had settled in a house at the end of a cul de sac. There were six houses in our little row. My house was in the middle at the end.

The first house to my right (looking out) was a second generation Japanese couple (Ben and Hope). Hope was absolutely beautiful by the way.

The house next to them was a mid-40s couple (Dean and Janet). Dean was in sales, was a major jerk and just rubbed people the wrong way. Janet was over the top nice, which makes sense considering she was a nurse and, based on my interactions since moving in, was just hanging on with Dean until the kids went to college. They had twin girls who were juniors in HS and who looked strikingly similar to Emma Watson (from the Harry Potter movies).

Rachel and Jana – together, kind of – Part 14 [MF]

Previous stories on my profile.

This one is fucked up and I can’t say I was proud of myself afterward.

Still – the show must go on.


Jana gave me a confused look and said “I was visiting a store nearby and thought I’d stop by, guess I should have called, huh?” I apologized profusely for her having to see that. She waved it off. At the moment, Rachel came out of the room, fully clothed.

Jana accusingly asked Rachel “Don’t you have a boyfriend?” Rachel said “Yes, but it’s complicated.” I offered Jana something to drink and then we all gathered in the living room. Jana asked “I need to understand … why is it complicated?” Rachel elaborated about the wedding fun and how she would meet up with me routinely for sex. She talked briefly about how her boyfriend is OK with it, the videos, pictures, and how they do the penis-shaming game. Then Rachel blurted out “I just love the feel of his cock! I’m sorry!”

More fun with Rachel … And a surprise visitor [MF] Part 13

Previous stories all on my profile


It is now around the same time when I learned of the divorce, and I learned it from Rachel. She was down visiting/consoling Jana, who lived somewhat close to me. She had called and let me know she was going to be nearby. I offered her a place to “sleep” and she said she’d play it by ear. So I waited, hoping she’d be able to show up. Finally, she did. She had left Jana’s place and instead of going home, came to my place. She arrived around 8 pm on a Saturday. I popped open some wine and we started drinking and chatting.

The fun started around 10 pm. Rachel leaned over and said “I haven’t had a big cock since the last time I saw you. I need it NOW.” I stood up in front of her and stripped down, my dick flopping out in front of her. She immediately grabbed it and started stroking. I was hard very quickly. She started deep throating me and playing with my balls. I was in heaven. She was so good at this. After a couple minutes, I erupted down her throat to her moaning.

More fun with Rachel and Tracy [MFF] – Part 11

previous parts on my profile


I woke up around 7 am. Rachel was starting to rustle up. I went out to the hallway and heard noise from the guest room. I could only guess her BF was watching the videos and jerking off. I laughed to myself and made us all breakfast. When breakfast was almost done, Rachel announced “We can leave after we get video of him fucking me in the ass”. Her BF seemed excited at this. Rachel said they’ve done it a few times, but she wanted it with a real cock.

We cleaned up and then went to my bedroom. Rachel and I stripped, and started making out. I licked her pussy and made her cum quickly, hoping to relax her. I was rock hard and ready to go, I didn’t need help from her. I got lube from my nightstand, flipped her over, and got her lubed up. Her BF was hovering with the camera.

Dick shaming with the mom of my deer hunting camp FWB [MF] – part 10

other parts linked in my profile


Fast forward to deer camp that year. Jana was there, and David was not. Our shared drive up was normal, if not a bit awkward. She didn’t talk about her mom Rachel at all. I said I was sorry for fucking her mom (She didn’t know about Tracy). It was just a spur of the moment thing. She understood and laughed a little bit and said “I can’t believe you used conditioner to fuck her in the ass”. I slipped and said “Well it worked so good before, I figured I’d do it again”. “Before??” Jana asked. I quickly gathered myself and mentioned something about earlier that night. She bought it. We drove on.

About an hour later she said “WAIT a minute … didn’t Tracy and my mom share a room? She was there when I stopped by earlier in the day. Did you fuck Tracy too?”

Fun with the mom of my deer hunting camp FWB [MFF] – part 9

Other parts linked on my profile if you have a lot of time to kill


I woke up around 630 am. The women were spread around me, each with our own space to sleep in the king size bed. I admired their mature bodies. Rachel had definitely toned her body and it was a sight to behold. Tracy, at 52, was surprisingly fit. Her ample hips and little belly skewed that a bit but the hips were so sexy. I got up to go to the bathroom with some morning wood making that hard to do. I came back to bed and the women were stirring. I snuck in between then, Tracey snuggled up against me, and I dozed off again.

I woke up an hour later to muffled whispers from the women. Tracy said “Good morning sunshine!” and giggled. Rachel looked at me with a hungry look that I’d seen before. We got some more pillows and sat up against the headboard. We chatted for a bit and then Tracy said “tell me about the last time you two saw each other.” Rachel set up the timing. Tracy said “so that was right when you were separating?” Rachel nodded in the affirmative. Tracy said “Lucky Girl!”. I added humor when needed, especially talking about how cock-crazed Rachel was, and we both were very descriptive talking about the sex.

Fun with the mom of my deer hunting camp FWB [MFF] – part 8

Other parts linked on my profile if you have a lot of time to kill


Fast forward to the next July, and I was invited to Jana’s wedding back in her hometown about 2 hours away. I went stag, since I figured I’d leave around 10 pm or so, and drive home that night. I packed a bag just in case. The ceremony was at a church at 2 pm, with a happy hour starting at 4 pm at a hotel. The wedding party was planned to show up at 5 pm. I grabbed a seat on the aisle near the back, with some people I knew from deer camp. As the procession started, I couldn’t help but notice how great her mom Rachel looked coming up the aisle. She eyed me and had a quick glance of recognition. I quickly looked away, as I didn’t want to distract from the ceremony. Afterwards, one of my deer camp guys mentioned how hot Rachel looked. I agreed with a knowing smile.