
I want you.
I want you to lean into my neck and to feel your warm breath on my ear and my neck, to sense your impatience and desire.
I want you to grab my ass, first hard, possessively, firmly; then relaxing into lazy appreciation of its curves and indentations.
I want your pulse to quicken and your cock to harden on touching me.
I want you to scoop me into your arms and carry me to your bed, unable to wait any longer.
I want you to moan when you see my naked body.
I want you to shiver.
I want you to turn me how you want me on your bed.
I want you to eat me out until I beg for you to fill me.
I want you to fuck me until you are spent and exhausted, and then I want you to curl into me for comfort and fall asleep, deeply, dreamlessy — forgetting your pain.
I want you to wake up with me, hard and eager and hungry.
I want your hand draped across my hip, your face on my hair as you sleep.
I want all of this as intensely and suddenly as my own orgasm happens at your touch.
I want all of this from you
As you smile and bring me my coffee and move
To the next table
Your flawless ass turned to me, and then gone.

The Work Weekend, Part 2 [MF] [milf] [age gap] [female perspective] [OC] [yes they’re too damn long] [also probably too tame] [more is planned] [grapes]

Cady’s heart was absolutely pounding as she got to her room and closed the door behind her. With just a few words from Kelly, she had gone from unspeakably mortified to absolutely exhilarated. He’d agreed to come join her at the end of his shift in another hour. She’d left him a tip that was suitably generous, but — she thought, wincing, of the sex worker comment — wasn’t so large that it would raise any eyebrows on the spa receptionist either.

Now, what does a single middle-aged litigator traveling for work wear for an unplanned sex date with a gorgeous young hottie? It was a somewhat familiar dilemma, as she fondly remembered Lucas from her girls’ weekend. They hadn’t kept up any pretense that they would ever be in touch again, but every once in a while he would send her a text of his view of the lake or the mountains, knowing how much Cady loved it where he was. It was just a way of saying “hi”, and it always fondly reminded her of being out there and meeting him. Since her own view of the parking lot of the office she was usually at sucked, he usually got a quick upskirt shot back.

The Work Weekend, Part 1 [MF] [milf] [age gap] [female perspective] [yes they’re too damn long] [also probably too tame] [two peppers at most]

*(Note: If you’ve never listened to the comedy podcast “My Dad Wrote a Porno”, I really recommend it. They read and discuss truly absurd and anatomically impossible literature that one of their dads wrote for a series called “Belinda Blinked.” My stories in their cringier moments remind me a little bit of Belinda stories. But, I hope it’s not so silly that anyone could model a comedy podcast around it?)*

Cady had been on the road for work for fourteen of the last twenty days, and it was wearing her out. But one of the perks of her job was that she could self-approve a nice hotel for herself for this next trip — and she knew she deserved it. Friday work out of town merited a nice suite and an appointment in the hotel spa too.

When she was finally able to leave the remote office and get to the hotel, the relief at being finished for the week was exhilarating. She settled in to the suite a little, then decided to take advantage of some of the free spa time before the massage appointment.

The Long Weekend, Part 3 [MF] [milf]

It turns out, he was not going to have to be told twice. She gasped a little in surprise when he stood up by the side of the bed and then picked her up again. She suspected he liked the surprise that flashed across her face at being held so effortlessly.

“Let me think,” he said. “Whatever should we do?” he said, grinning at her.

Cady took a breath. She had learned that she had particular boundaries, and that she needed to express them early. She had a feeling Lucas could possibly stretch those boundaries, but not tonight. “I don’t want to be choked, or slapped in the face, or to be held down. I don’t want my wrists held. I don’t want to be pushed up against the wall.” she told him. “Other than that, I’m here to please.”

“That’s funny, because that’s why I’m here too. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, and if I make you uncomfortable just tell me.” He looked at her seriously, and she believed him.

Cady nodded and looked up into those blue eyes again. He was so incredibly hot. She had loved the feel of that beard on her inner thighs and knew she would remember the sensation for a long time.

The Long Weekend Part 2: Cady’s Turn [MF] [MILF] [age gap] [female perspective]

He walked her to his room, holding her hand, and closed and locked the door behind them. He pressed her body against the door and kissed her deeply. She felt her insides melt and warm, and felt tingly all over. He was strong, but was being gentle with her. She felt that he probably had other settings, if she wanted to unlock them. She began to breathe heavily as he kissed her ears and neck, and told her she was beautiful. He ran his hands over her breasts and moaned slightly with pleasure as he felt her nipples stiffen at his touch. He ran his hands down the black skirt and moaned slightly again. 

“Your ass looks absolutely amazing in this, but I’m still hoping to get it off you.” 

He ran his hands underneath the hem of it and up between her legs. She was trembling and knew her pussy was soaking wet. He felt her over her panties with his strong hands and she felt like she might pass out at the sensation she had been anticipating all day. In one strong, sudden move, he scooped her up into his arms without the slightest difficulty and held her triumphantly. He seemed to like the look of surprise on her face.

The Long Weekend, Part 1: Lucas [MF] [age gap] [MILF] [female perspective]

The women all together for their girls’ weekend had all known each other at least ten years, some longer. Between the five of them, they’d had eight husbands, three of them still husbands; and fourteen kids, now mostly in high school and college. All of them would be just fine managing on their own while the women got pedicures and massages and probably too drunk at their large airbnb house, out of town.

The Friday night after they arrived and unpacked, they went out for drinks and dinner and were taken care of at the bar by a man too impossibly hot not to notice. Ginger hair, ginger beard, torso in the most perfect reverse triangle. His shirt outlined his pecs every turn he made, and Cady caught a glimpse of a gorgeous, vaguely floral tattoo peeking out from his t-shirt sleeve. They shamelessly gawked at his perfect ass when he walked away. The friends all gasped and giggled about him when he was out of earshot, and when it was time to go Cady decided she might as well shoot her shot. She added her name and number to the receipt for the bar tab, adding an extra $100 to the bill.

Vacation week part 2 [MF] [milf] [woman-centered]

Part 2

It was very early the next morning, the sun just starting to come up, when Tommy snuck into her bedroom and cautiously laid down in bed next to her. She murmured a little as she started to wake up and realized he was there. She smiled sleepily and turned to him. “Hi,” she said just above a whisper. They were lying face to face now, but not touching yet.

“Hi,” he replied. “I’m sorry to sneak in here, but I just couldn’t help it. I can’t stop thinking about yesterday. I can’t stop thinking about you. I have been hard as a rock for about an hour….and everyone is still asleep, so I was just thinking….” he added, blushing a little as he moved towards her, reaching for her waist. 

“A little morning wood, huh?”

“It might be sort of throughout the day wood, but yes,” he answered, smiling.

Cady kissed him gently, softly on his lips, but didn’t linger. “Tommy, you are a beautiful, beautiful man, and I have been thinking about you too. But I’m going to make us both wait a little bit longer.” 

Categorized as sexystories

Vacation Week, part 1 [MF] [milf] [age gap] [oral]

~ first attempt at sexy writing, suggestions welcomed ~

It was definitely a bummer that the family Cady and her family were going to share the beach house with had had to cancel, but they paid their share since it was late notice, and there would just be a couple more free bedrooms. She called her son at college and let him know he could bring a couple of guys with him for the beach week, and let her high schooler do the same. It would be a pretty male-dominated week but Cady always looked forward to week off of work and drinking wine at lunch and beyond, so she wasn’t too bothered. She also had a couple of friends that she could call in the area to spend some time with if the boys got to be too much.

When her son showed up with Tommy, a suitemate from his dorm, she remembered him from seeing at move in, and she had heard about him some during the year. She had not remembered, though, when he showed up quite how good-looking he was. Medium height but a nice, muscular chest and arms. Blue eyes and wavy brown hair that kept falling down over one eye. He was a little shy, he seemed happy enough to talk with her but he laughed nervously sometimes and usually looked away from her after a few seconds.