[M/F] The World’s End….And Then Some.

A girl I had been flirting with at work, Molly, agreed to go to a movie with me last summer. We went to see 'The Worlds End' at the last showing of the night. We pretty much had the theater to ourselves except for an older couple in the front row. This theater has luxury dream chairs that are like reclining loveseats and we took one all the way up in the back row. We chat for a bit until the previews start. Just as the actual movie is about to start, I notice she has her arms crossed and rubbing her arms. I ask if she is okay and she replies the theater is colder than she thought it would be. I offer her to come over and sit on my lap so we can snuggle and I can keep her warm. She climbs over onto my lap and gives me a little kiss on the cheek and says I am such a gentleman.